This pattern book has three small inspirational plates to sit on a desk or book shelf. They are cut entirely from 1/4" thick wood. The plate is only 5 1/2 inches in diameter.

I want to remind everyone who subscribes to the email newsletter that every email is just a duplication of the daily blog post. I often get requests to resend an email. My newsletter is sent out by a service called Feedburner and I don't have the ability to resend the emails. Anytime you need to go back and find a pattern or video you can simply visit the blog. There is a search box at the top of the blog. The catalog of all the patterns is linked in the left hand column(1000+ free patterns). The video archive is also there(250+ videos).
The blog dates back to May 1st 2007. Every post is still there from the beginning of the Scroll Saw Workshop. Every page has the last 10 posts in the Daily Post Section. Once you get to the end of that section you can click the Older Posts link and continue back to the previous 10 posts. Be prepared though because there are currently 1640 posts on the blog.
There are also other things on the blog you might be interested in. I have a Community forum with scrollers from all over the world sharing tips and conversation. There are scroll saw programs for creating patterns. My Custom Paper Clock dials are also for sale and more.
If you ever go a few days and don't receive a newsletter check the blog and see if you have missed a post. It's likely you did because I post nearly every day. Check your spam folder in your email client. That's usually where they go missing.
I enjoy getting email but often get way behind and don't get a chance to answer all of them. Please forgive me when I don't answer.
I have two incredible volunteers that help tremendously. Russ manages the Community forum and single handily keeps it going. I could never keep up with the forum without his help. Thanks Russ. Frank maintains the free Pattern Catalog. Not only does he keep it updated, he built the entire thing for me. That was a big job and he did not stop until it was exactly what I wanted. Thanks Frank. I can't tell you guys how much I appreciate what you do.
If you normally just read the email newsletter please take a minute to visit the blog from time to time and see what may have been added.