Follow-up Information:
I need to correct some information I posted yesterday that needs be clarified. I announced that I was considering shutting down the Community Forum. Several folks thought that meant I was going to stop posting scroll saw patterns. No that is not what I am doing. The daily posts will continue.
There are different areas in my blog. The Community Forum is a separate area of the blog where people can sign up and leave messages/questions about scroll sawing. It is simply a meetup area. These types of forums were fairly popular years ago. Now, Facebook/Meta and Reddit rule the world as a place for people to get together.
I have no plans to stop producing my daily blog post. My hope is that God will take care of shutting me and the blog down when my time comes.
Several people made the suggestion that I leave the forum open and not accept any more registrations. There are several years of good information there and as long as I have little extra work from the forum then no big reason to shut it down. I'll only need to keep up with security patches and that is not much work.
Let me also mention that Travis over at Scroll Saw Village runs a very active forum. He would be pleased to welcome you if you are not already a member there. He started his site back in 2009 so it is crammed-packed with content.
Scroll Saw Village
Click to EnlargeI have two animal-themed patterns for you today. The first pattern of the two snakes is probably more my style than many of you. I have enjoyed snakes for many years and have owned a few, including a boa constrictor who was a very gentle and interesting pet. I also had an instructor who was way more educated about snakes than me. He probably owned 20 to 30 snakes at any one time. Some were rather dangerous. I never had any interest in handling venomous snakes.
There was some sad news this weekend that an 11-foot python was injured by a train in Southern Illinois. The snake had to be euthanized. Those snakes are not native to Illinois so it was either a released or escaped pet.
The pattern is 12" wide and you can use 1/2" or 1/4" thick wood for the project. Plywood is probably the best choice.
The shark pattern will require some strategy. The pattern is over 19" long. You can cut projects that large on a scroll saw but you have to plan the cuts. If you are handy with spiral blades they make large projects easier to cut because you don't need to turn the wood. Here is a link to a video where using spiral blades allows cutting large boards. Video Link
When the menu opens, press the ctrl F5 to load out the menu buttons.
You only have to do this once to reset the casche.
The newest game is called Balloon Pop. I have experimented with adding background music
so be prepared to hear music when the start game is clicked. I will be adding a kill music button soon.
Remember that I am just learning so be kind. 😁
$12 per sheet of 12 coins plus $3.50 shipping
Inlay with a 1" Forstner Bit.
The perfect way to sign your work.

Python Pattern
Email Newsletter Readers: Remember that the Newsletter is just a copy of the daily blog post. To see the post in its proper formatting click this link. If you ever misplace a pattern or any item you see here you can always find it on the blog. Everything stays on the blog forever.
Every Scrollsaw Workshop Pattern from 2007-2023 on USB drive, or Instant Download. Over 4,300 Patterns!
Purchase the entire Scrollsaw Workshop pattern catalog for offline access.You will never run out of fun patterns to cut.
Two delivery options.
After payment, you will receive an email with the download link. This is a large file. You should not attempt to download it on a tablet or smartphone. It is a compressed file that will need to be extracted to your hard drive. Basic computer skills are necessary to extract the file.
Click this link to order the USB Drive
The USB drive contains all the Scrollsaw Workshop Patterns. The drive is $25 plus shipping and handling. Now with the new distributor the drive ships to the US and many other countries. The shipping can get expensive to some international locations so the Instant download option above is probably more desirable.
My two "Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw" books make it easy.
The books are $12 each and available for instant download after purchase. Click for Video Demonstration.
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Home of Pegas scroll saw blades.