I receive a lot of email asking about designing patterns for the scroll saw. The most common are which software I use and how hard is it. The answer is that I use CorelDRAW and it's actually not that difficult. It's true that there is a learning curve but like anything else it just takes some effort and time.
The good news is that as pattern designers we only need to learn a small part of what CorelDRAW has to offer. We need to be able to draw basic shapes, manipulate text and trace or draw graphics for the pattern. Then we need to be able to size and edit the graphics. There is not much more to it than that.
In this video demonstration below I'll take you through the process of designing a complete pattern. This is not a tutorial. This is just to peak your interest and show you how simple it can be.
Watch the video and let me know if you would like to see more actual tutorials. If the interest is there I'll do more. If not at least you can see how I do what I do.

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