The clock requires a 2 3/4" diameter clock insert with a hole size of 2 3/8". It is best to use a 2 3/8" diameter forstner bit for the hole but it can be carefully cut with the scroll saw.
The clock has a gentle taper toward the top. The top is curved. If you have some very nicely figured wood you could even do away with the flower fretwork. That would make a more masculine clock.
After the three pieces are cut you need to carefully align and clue up the clock. It does not have to be perfect because you will sand the sides, bottom and top for a smooth finish.
Image Problem Update:
It looks like Google has fixed the image not showing up in the email newsletter. At least I hope they have. This is the first post since I saw the change they made. If you are seeing this in the email newsletter and you do not see the image of the clock then just visit the blog and look at the daily post section. Fingers crossed.
We are doing well keeping up with the custom Christmas ornaments this year. If you would like to place an order just look for the order button below. I will be working on a free display box for the ornaments soon. That will give you a nice wooden box to deliver the ornament to that special person. I'll try to get it designed this week.
Don't forget to enter the monthly giveaway. Sue Mey over at is again sponsoring the giveaway and she has some beautiful patterns so make sure to check out her site. Details went out last week. If you missed it visit the blog and look for the contest post in the daily post section. You may have to navigate back a page to find it.

It's time to order your Custom Christmas Name Ornaments.
These will become instant family heirlooms.
The patterns are $1 per name with a 5 ornament minimum.
You will only pay once you receive the patterns and are satisfied.
You will be able to pay securely online with a credit card or send payment through regular mail.
You can mix from the two styles in the picture above.
Names over about 10 letters can be very difficult to cut.
If you would like to have all the patterns in the Scrollsaw Workshop catalog you can buy the first six years DVD and the 2013 update DVD at this link. DVD #1 is $20 and contains over 1,100 patterns. The 2013 update DVD is $7.50 and has another 178 patterns.