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I had to share this intarsia portrait with you guys. Bob has been a reader of my blog for a long time. He lives in Australia and is one of the most talented craftsman I have ever seen. I say craftsman because his skill is much more than just woodworking. He has that unique gift of being able to build just about anything he sets his mind to. Just ask the other scrollers in the clubs he attends. They will tell you how often Bob comes up with something new and amazing.
Bob decided to make a couple intarsia portraits so he set down with Corel Draw and designed this pattern. He does not have a lot of experience with Draw but you could not prove it from this work. Make sure you click to enlarge the picture to see the detail.
The body is Black wood. The beard is paper bark. The face is wild cherry. The eyebrows and pupils are marboo. The whites of the eyes are poplar. The hat is blackwood. The background is poplar and the frame is blackwood. Bob finished the portrait with water based lacquer.
Bob estimate he spent about a week and a half of long days to complete the project.
The thing I like so much about this project is not the fact that the likeness is so remarkable but the fact that it shows the character and spirit of the man. You look at the portrait and you feel you have met Bob someplace. Thanks for sharing with us Bob. As usual I am humbled by your work.
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This small basket is a fun and quick project. I have seen this type of basket sold in the Artique store for $50. I used the weave technique for this pattern. It is a pretty effective illusion of a weave. I suggest that you stack cut the weave to speed the project up.
We have a winner. Roger form Saltspring Island was the first to submit a picture of the dragon vase pattern with 8 sides. A few days ago I put out a challenge for a $20 Amazon gift certificate for the first picture of my Dragon vase pattern with 8 sides. It did not take Roger long to complete the challenge. Congratulations and enjoy the certificate.

The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated.
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This is the end of the daily posts. Keep scrolling for lot's more scrolls saw fun!
The Scrollsaw Workshop Stencil Printer 1.7 is my latest software for creating patterns. It will create key chain fobs, desk name plates and more. Click the image above to download the latest version. It is free to use donationware. This software is for Windows PC only.
Think Safety
Remember to keep the safety of yourself and others in your work shop in your thoughts at all times. Always wear eye and ear protection. Follow all the manufactures warnings that came with your power tools. If I demonstrate something on this web site that you don't feel is safe, don't do it. Your safety is your responsibility. Fingers are handy things, try to keep all of them.
The Scrollsaw Workshop Blog is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Magazine formerly (Scroll Saw Workshop Magazine) or it's publisher Fox Chapel Publishing.
Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts