Just to prove that wooden nickels have some value I have a contest. I will send a $50 dollar Amazon gift certificate to the first person to emails me a picture of them holding the finished wooden nickel. I will send the next 20 who send a picture of them holding the project a free order from my custom pattern online store. Everyone else gets to have their wooden nickel.
I am posting this contest at 4am Eastern time Thursday the 17th to try an give everyone a fair shot. You folks on the west coast sleep too late so you need to hurry.
I will probably post the picture with your name on the blog so don't enter if your shy. The contest expires at 10pm Eastern time US Sunday the 20th, 2013. You have to follow the rules below. Your entry will be deleted if you don't follow the rules.
Contest rules:
You must email me a picture of you holding the wooden nickel.
The picture has to get to me before 10pm Eastern time Sunday the 20th, 2013. (Not much time)
The cutting has to have the front and backer board and it must be reasonably accurate to the pattern.
Title the email WOODEN NICKEL
You have to email the picture to order@stevedgood.com. Again you have to email the picture to order@stevedgood.com.
No shenanigans, Tom foolery or witchcraft will be tolerated.
I am the king of the contest so I get to make all the rules and final decisions, unless my wife says I can't.