Lots of pictures to share tonight. These are some of the fantastic projects that you guys are making. I love seeing what you are up to so keep them coming.
This first one is from Victor. He made this from an old pattern that he restored with Corel Draw. There was some beautiful patterns made years ago. Its great to see them restored and this project shows why. Beautiful fretwork Victor.The next four are from Stan. He lives in China and has always kept in touch with me through email.
Sonyja Tumlinson sent this picture of the bubblegum machine I posted a while back. Look at the nice gumball catcher she added. Several of you wanted this added to the pattern.
The next two are from Sam Huggins. I am a Jr. fan so I really like the checker flag. Look at the detail in the baby grand father clock. Very impressive Sam.
The next two are from Rob Rennell. He used my key chain maker program to add the names to the truck. That's what scrolling is all about. Creativity. I love it. Nice job Rob.
The next two pictures are from Randy Auxier. Randy uses a few of my patterns in his craft shows. He likes to make changes to the pattern to make them his own. Nice work Randy.
The next five ribbon studded pictures are from Marshall Border. Marshall entered for the first time ever at the NEA District fair and cleaned up. He entered just to see how he would do and for the fun of it. Looks like judges were impressed. Nice job Marshall.
The next eight beautiful projects are from Jose Ojeda. All these look great and they just show that scroll saw projects don't have to be complex to look nice. Thanks for sharing Jose.
James Butler sent me this picture of my Story Cross pattern that he modified to be a wall hanging. I really enjoyed designing this pattern and it's great to see a reader picture of it. Good job James, nice mod.
These next two pictures crack me up. Edson Gray watched the 3d Reindeer demonstration I did and went crazy. He claims he only cut two and Mother Nature took it's course. I don't know Edson sounds kind of suspicious to me. :) The one with the red nose looks familiar to me for some reason.
This portrait comes from and was designed by Don Strock. I have always felt that portraits look best when they are kept simple. I really like the simple lines in this pattern. You caught the personality of the boy which is what is most important. Nice job.
This clock comes from Dave Smith. Dave is pretty new to scrolling and he says this project was a real skill builder for him. From what I can see your skill is just fine. Nicely cut curves and great transitions. I would be proud to hang this clock on my wall.
The last five are from Bart Chavatte. All beautiful pieces but I really like the way you put together the portrait in the last picture. Having the picture and the cutout side by side is not something I have seen done before. I think I'll have to try that myself.
Whew! That was a long post. Hope that don't burn up your email inbox for those of you that get the newsletter. I could not help myself. I love showing what everyone is up to and the skill you guys have. Thanks for sending the pictures.
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