Here are a set of free scroll saw patterns for you to download . This book includes all three baskets. I've never had any luck selling these baskets because every time I make some my wife grabs them and gives them away. :) I think they would be good sellers but I guess I'll never find out.
This is an old set of patterns I made a couple years ago. I did not have much skill with Corel Draw then so the patterns are a little rough. I don't think this will keep you from making nice baskets from these patterns though.
One note, make sure you adjust the size of the handle cutouts to match the thickness of the wood you use.
Enjoy this book.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Three Scroll Saw Basket Patterns
Posted by Steve Good at 3:18:00 PM
Monday, July 30, 2007
Mary needs help
Hey guys one of my readers has a problem with her Delta Model ss350 and needs some advise. Has anyone had the problem she describes below and have a solution.
My guess is either the Variable speed switch or the Control PWB. Anyone else care to comment?
Exploded view of the machine.
From Mary:
My scrollsaw is a Delta and it's about 3 years old (and out of warranty). Could it possibly be a quick fix like changing the fuse?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Posted by Steve Good at 7:48:00 PM
Cool Dragon Clock
Here is another free scroll saw pattern for you all to download. This dragon clock requires a 1 7/16 clock insert. Use a 1 3/8 forstner bit to cut the hole for the clock.
You can find good buys on clock inserts from Clock Parts.
Posted by Steve Good at 6:59:00 AM
Free Scroll Saw Pattern.
Poker is popular today. Build this card box for your poker playing friends. This free scroll saw pattern is designed to hold poker sized playing cards.
These scrolled boxes are easy to make. Use contrasting wood for the top and bottom for a great looking box.
I love these small projects that I can use my scrap wood to make.
Have fun with this one.
Posted by Steve Good at 6:19:00 AM
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Clock Dial Pattern
A friend needed a clock dial pattern for a scroll saw project she was working on. I thought some of you might find it useful in one of your projects.
You might need to enlarge the dial on a copy machine to make it fit your pattern. There is a center reference hole to make drilling easier.
I will try to incorporate this into a full pattern later but for now use it as you wish.
You can purchase the inexpensive quartz movements from Clock Parts.
Posted by Steve Good at 2:24:00 PM
Show pride in your work
In this Walmart economy we live in today the value of a hand made piece of craftsmanship is an almost forgotten concept.
I know many of you sell your pieces of work at craft shows and online. Let your customers know that you are proud of the craftsmanship you build into your scroll saw art.
A certificate of authenticity shows that you have pride in your work. Show them that you take your craft serious. Include a certificate with every purchase.
I have included a link to a certificate of authenticity that you can sign and number. Leave your customers with the idea that you value your workmanship and they will place a higher value on it also.
We need to differentiate our work from the mass produced work that can be purchased at Walmart for pennies. I have nothing against Walmart. I shop there sometimes myself. I just don't go there for hand made quality.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:21:00 PM
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Glue, Sand, Beautify and Protect
I have been asked to talk about the process I use to finish my scroll saw projects. I'm no expert on finishing but I have come up with a process that I'm happy with.
This two part video series covers gluing, sanding, beautifying and protecting.
If you would like to share any tips you have on the finishing of scroll saw projects leave a comment for all to share.
Enjoy the videos.
Part One
Part Two
Posted by Steve Good at 8:28:00 PM
Check out Russells' Web Page.
Check out this scroll saw page written by Russell.
Craigscraftcorner1He did a great job on the bowl. That will be a good seller. He used my free scroll saw pattern and made it better.
Hop on over to his site and leave some comments on the nice projects he has created.
Keep up the good work Russell.
Posted by Steve Good at 2:35:00 AM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
3D Scroll Saw Cutting Jig

I built this jig for cutting 3D patterns with the scroll saw. I had been using clamps but they were a pain to use. If you would like to build your own jig I have included the material list and construction plans below.
The jig is very easy to build. You can buy the parts at Home Depot for a few dollars. The assembly only takes a few minutes and if you plan to cut 3D patterns I think you will be glad you have this jig.
You can resize the clamp to meet your 3d cutting needs.
Posted by Steve Good at 4:10:00 AM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
A Big Scrolled Bowl from Paul
I received this email from Paul and wanted to share it with everyone. Paul enlarged the bowl pattern I posted. I think it looks great in the larger size.
Paul recently had eye surgery and is not suppose to be in the shop for a couple weeks. That's like asking my teenage daughter to stay home on a Saturday night. Just ain't gonna happen :)
From Paul:
Posted by Steve Good at 7:37:00 PM
Creating a Scroll Saw Box Pattern with Corel Draw
A few of you have emailed me and said you have purchased Corel Draw. I have not posted a Corel Draw tutorial in a while so it seems like a good time.
In this video I will show you how to use the interactive contour tool to make boxes of any shape that fit together perfectly.
I've said it before but I enjoy making patterns as much as cutting them. If you haven't tried to create a scroll saw pattern why not give it a shot. If you can't afford Corel Draw then download a copy of inkscape.
If you sell at craft shows then you know how important it is to be unique. You don't want to show up with the same one of a kind works of art as the guy next to you. Create your own patterns and you are sure to be unique.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:51:00 AM
Word Art Pattern Book. 14 patterns.
Here is a free scroll saw pattern book for you to download. The book contains 14 patterns of creative word art sayings.
Cut these out and give to friends as gag gifts. They also give you some quick, easy to cut patterns to sell cheaply at your next craft show. Many customers that come into your booth don't have big bucks to spend. Make sure you have some lower priced items available.
These can be cut from clear pine in only a few minutes.
Have fun with these patterns and remember you can make and sell as many as you like. Don't sell the patterns unless you ask me.
Posted by Steve Good at 12:04:00 AM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Give a shout to Geno
Hey guys, Geno who is a reader of my Blog saw my post about how easy it is to start a Blog. Geno decided to give it a try and he has done a fine job. Everyone visit his Blog and say hi.
Come on now, lets get some more woodworking blogs up and keep this hobby active on the web.
Make sure to leave Geno a comment when you visit.
Posted by Steve Good at 9:00:00 PM
Email from readers
I receive several nice emails from readers and I appreciate all the comments. I recently started getting pictures of scroll saw projects which is great. Here are a few that I wanted to share with everyone.
If you have pictures of your woodworking projects you would like to share, send them to me and I'll be glad to post them for all to see. The Scrollsaw Workshop has readers in over 40 countries now with hundreds of page views daily. Let the world see your work.
From: Geno
Good Morning Steve,
I found your site this week end and had a great time cutting out 2 of your baskets. I really enjoy the pattern. thank you very much and keep up the great work.
From: Bill
I made your tall clock with hickory(i didn't put the front piece on).. I still have to put the finish on the top and bottom(and glue them to the piece) and I also added a piece of black felt inside to highlight the butterflies.But I think it came out nice and was really easy to do.
From: Ken
Thank Steve
I have not started any projects yet, but I was thinking of doing that bowl that you did on your web page for a starter for this year . I live in Penticton B.C. Canada and this time of year there is always something going on, peach feast and Stuff like that.
Last year I started doing intarsia because of a neighbor was doing it, and I thought it was neat . So I got a pattern from him and started doing it too. I made 5 to 6 of them , and not one of them did I keep for myself as all went to wards friends for Xmas and stuff like that . So I am going to Finnish one for myself then , I really like that bowl that you made so I think I will give it a try. My shop is really small, like one of those tin sheds that a person can buy at a hardware store , actually I not sure of the size but it must be 15 x 8 feet wide , not much bigger , not like your shop . I am sending a picture of some of the things I made last year. This is my first attempt .
Posted by Steve Good at 4:23:00 PM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Free scroll saw pattern. Jewelry Box with basic 3D cut leafs.
In this two part video I will take you through the steps to cut a 3D scroll saw pattern. This 3D pattern is very basic so even if you have never tried 3D cuts before you can try this one. We will make a small box with two 3D leafs on top. The instruction for cutting the leafs as well as the box are covered in the videos.
Don't let the leafs keep you from trying this free scroll saw pattern. Cutting 3D is no more difficult than any thing else you have done at your saw.
This box would make a nice gift box for jewelry or other small items.
Part One
Part Two
Posted by Steve Good at 8:53:00 AM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Grizzly Shop Planner
Just a quick post to pass on a link that takes you to an online program for setting up your workshop. Grizzly Tools brings us this program. Check it out if you are planning to build a shop or just rearrange your present work area.
Posted by Steve Good at 7:10:00 PM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Show the world your scrolling projects.
Many of you sell your scroll saw projects at craft shows. If you do I'm sure you have been asked if you have a web site. Customers stop by and admire your art work but just are not ready to buy. One way to get that potential customer to see your work again is to direct them to an online gallery of your work.
Traditional web sites are difficult to set up correctly and even more difficult to maintain. It's far from impossible but for some it's not something they want to learn.
An easy alternative is a Blog. What is a blog you ask? Well your reading a blog. A blog is nothing more than a web site that has been designed to be user friendly and easy to set-up and update.
Blogs are great for scrollers. You can update customers about future shows you will be attending. They are great places to tell a little more about yourself and your work. Creating a new post with pictures is as simple as using a word processor.
With a little more effort you can even take orders for your work right from your Blog. You can set up a free Paypal account and even take credit card orders from the Blog.
Everyone who loves to create things enjoys sharing what they create. Why not share them with the whole world. Get yourself a Blog today and be online tonight.
Here is a video of just how easy it is to setup a Blog on It's free and easy and almost painless.
Enjoy and happy scrolling.
Posted by Steve Good at 7:21:00 PM
Scrolled Bowl Video
I put together a video for the scrolled bowl pattern i posted the other day. A few people emailed me with questions. You can download the free scroll saw pattern from the earlier post.
Have fun and happy scrolling
Posted by Steve Good at 8:25:00 AM
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Tall Clock Video
I went into the workshop last night and completed the Tall Clock pattern that I posted a few days ago. I'm reasonably happy with how it came out. I think I will design a few different scroll patterns for this clock. I'm not satisfied with the front trim so a redesign is needed there. My wife decided that she wanted this one for her mothers Birthday so it has a home already. I videoed the construction of the clock and you can view below.
If you missed the pattern earlier this week you can get it here.
Enjoy the pattern and as always you have permission to make as many of the projects as you like just don't sell the pattern.
Happy Scrolling.
Part One of Tall Clock Video
Part Two of Tall Clock Video
Posted by Steve Good at 7:45:00 PM
Friday, July 13, 2007
The software I use for scroll saw patterns
Many of the readers of the Scrollsaw Workshop Blog have expressed interest in the software I use. The one tool I would never be without is Corel Draw. The software has a short learning curve to grasp the tools needed to create scroll saw patterns. If you want to get serious about making patterns I feel this is the single best choice you could make. Corel DrawX3 is not inexpensive but you get a lot for what you pay.
Product Description
CorelDraw Graphics Suite X3 is a breakthrough in design technologies. With more than 40 new features & over 400 enhancements, you've got a truly comprehensive graphics suite at your disposal. Tackle a wide variety of projects - from logo creation and Web graphics, to multi-page marketing brochures, or eye-catching signs. Its new features include a new bitmap-to-vector tracing tool, new photo-editing features, and enhancements in illustration and page layout. This suite combines design capabilities, ease-of-use, and affordability into a complete suite of tools that give you the confidence to be creative. Hints provide dynamic, context-sensitive tips and tricks as you work Design Collection offers 100 creatively varied templates, easily customized to suit specific needs Get insight from from CorelDRAW experts -- the new CorelDRAW Handbook showcases practical, real-world examples of accomplished designs and best practices Open and create password-protected PDFs, to exchange secure client files Support for RAW file format Increased compatibility with Adobe Illustrator, PhotoShop, Corel Paint Shop Pro, Microsoft Office, JPEG, and PDF
If you feel you can afford the investment in your hobby and you are willing to learn the software then try Corel Draw.
Posted by Steve Good at 9:54:00 AM
Free Hand Mirror Pattern
I wrote about this inlay technique in an earlier post. The clay has proven to be durable after a few weeks so I thought I would post the free scroll saw pattern for you to try.
You don't have to use the inlay technique. You could paint the back of the mirror and just let the paint show through the cut-out. If you choose to try the inlay check the archive of the blog for the earlier post for details.
This project requires that you make a bevel cut. The instruction with the pattern give the details. The bevel cut allows you to create a recess so you can install the mirror. 1/2 inch wood requires a 6.5 deg. bevel to allow the wood to recess 1/8 inch. You should make practice cut with your saw in scrap material to get the bevel where you want it. You should also test the fit of the mirror with practice material and adjust where you cut the bevel for a good fit.
The downloadable pattern includes the above designs plus a blank mirror. You could add someones initials to the blank for a great personalized gift.
The project requires a 4" round mirror. Woodcraft sells nice project mirrors at the following link. Use two-part epoxy to secure the mirror into the recess.
Another technique that I might try when I get time is epoxy inlay. Two-part epoxy can be colored and sanded. It might actually be an easier technique than the clay. If any of you try this let me know how it goes.
Have fun with this one and happy scrolling.
Posted by Steve Good at 12:59:00 AM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Nice Scrolled Bowl. Free Pattern
Here is another free scroll saw pattern for you to cut. I especially enjoy this pattern because it does not require much wood to make. I generally cut these from my quality wood because it takes so little.
I took seven of these to the last craft show I did. The first customer bought all of them. She used them for small gift baskets. She put small gifts in the bowl then wrapped it with clear gift paper and finished with ribbon. You could present these at your next show already wrapped. That's just one idea but I think it would sell.
I cut this pattern from 3/8 inch wood. I tried 1/4 inch but I did not think the proportions looked right. You might consider using contrasting wood for the top and bottom.
As always you can cut as many of these bowls as you like just don't sell the pattern.
I hope you enjoy this one. Happy Scrolling
If you enjoy this pattern please help support the Scrollsaw Workshop Blog by visiting this fine advertiser.
Posted by Steve Good at 9:23:00 PM
Monday, July 9, 2007
Free Tall Clock Pattern
The new affiliation with inspired me to create a Free scroll saw pattern using the 3 1/2 inch clock insert they currently have on sale for $3.00.
This clock stands over 10 inches tall and should make a nice presentation.
Warning I have not made a prototype of this clock yet. The pattern is free as is. I am waiting for the clock insert to go into the workshop and cut the pattern. I will make a video of the cut and assembly as soon I get the clock.
The link to the free scroll saw pattern follows.
Visit to purchase the clock insert. You need the 3 1/2 inch insert.
Posted by Steve Good at 11:11:00 PM
Scrolled clock inserts
Everything you need for your scrolled clocks.
If you downloaded my free Mini clocks book then you need inserts.
Click the Clockparts ad and see for yourself. has been a leading supplier of clock parts and accessories for over 20 years. They sell millions of clock movements a year.
Steve Good
Posted by Steve Good at 8:18:00 PM
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Support our Troops Pattern
Here is a simple pattern for you to cut. I cut this plaque from 1/2 inch clear pine. The base is also pine with the corners rounded with a router. Have fun with this one and show your support for the men and women overseas.
As always you can do whatever you want with the projects you create from this scroll saw pattern. You may not sell the pattern without my permission.
If you enjoy this pattern and would like to help support the troops please check out this great operation.
Posted by Steve Good at 2:44:00 AM
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Email from Richard
A while back I did a short video about Inkscape. Inkscape is an alternative to the Expensive Corel Draw. Richard, a reader of this blog saw the video and has been using the program for a while. Unlike me he read the documentation. The following email is from Richard with some good information. Thanks for sharing Richard.
Since watching your tutorial for making name plaque patterns using Inkscape, I've been playing with Inkscape. I found some extra info in the documentation online at that streamlines kerning the letters closer together. Check the Inkscape tutorial: Advanced toward the end. This is a quote:
"One of the most common operations in text design is adjusting spacing between letters and lines. As always, Inkscape provides keyboard shortcuts for this. When you are editing text, the Alt + < and Alt + > keys change the letter spacing in the current line of the text object, so that the total length of the line changes by 1 pixel at the current zoom..."
You can select the text and hold down the appropriate keys until the letters are as you want. Suggest holding down in bursts because program isn't as fast as the clicking you hear and the changes might continue after you let up on the keys.
Thanks for introducing me to a free program that has the Path > Union feature. That is the one function missing in AutoSketch and Paint Shop Pro and is so handy when making text scroll patterns.
Posted by Steve Good at 7:13:00 PM
Another free scroll saw pattern

Here is another free scroll saw pattern for you to have fun with. My wife loves candles so I thought I would make a couple of these for her.
I spend a little more time actually cutting at the scroll saw in this video. I'm trying to balance making the video too boring vs giving enough tips for the novice scrollers who read this blog.
There is nothing difficult about this pattern. It can easily be cut as a first project for someone new to scrolling. Though it is a simple pattern it makes a nice presentation once the candle is lit.
The link to the free scroll saw pattern is below.
Posted by Steve Good at 2:43:00 AM
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Quick, easy patterns with Corel Draw
This tutorial will show you a very simple technique for creating inspiration plaque patterns in Corel Draw. Nothing earth shattering here just another project for you to create and sell at craft shows or give as gifts.
I will put together a few plaque patterns tomorrow and provide a download link. Adding extra touches to these plaques can make them more interesting. Cut-outs for pictures, decorative borders and graphic elements all can add something nice.
Posted by Steve Good at 10:59:00 PM
Heritage Wood Specialties. Scroll saw ready boards!
Heritage Wood Specialties is a nationally recognized supplier of superior quality hardwoods to fine woodworkers across the US and Canada. Novice hobbyists and experienced enthusiasts alike can enjoy the high quality woodworking materials and kits available from Heritage Wood Specialties. Great source for scroll saw ready boards.
Free Pattern Catalog. 1000's of free patterns.
Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw Book $12 Each
Watch the following video to see how easy these beautiful scroll saw vases
are to make.
Order the $3 pdf Catalog
Stencil Printer Instruction Video.
Scroll Saw Pattern Printer update 1.1

Scroll Saw Keychain Pattern Maker

Download the Oval Keychain Pattern Maker.

Philip Lowndes Noah's Arc Pattern Available. Watch the video below.

Think Safety
The Scrollsaw Workshop Blog is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Magazine formerly (Scroll Saw Workshop Magazine) or it's publisher Fox Chapel Publishing.
Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts