I'm getting in the Christmas spirit already. I thought I would do another Christmas pattern tonight. This pattern is 10" long. I will use 1/2" thick wood to cut this desk plaque but 3/4" would be fine also.
There a many people who collect Christmas items so if you plan doing a show this holiday season make sure you have a nice selection of ornaments and holiday items.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Santa's Sleigh
Posted by Steve Good at 12:53:00 AM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
New Scroll Saw Blog
I got an email from Travis. He has recently started a scroll saw blog that looks like it will be a good resource. He calls it "Scroll Saw Goodies". You can find it at the following link. http://scrollsawgoodies.blogspot.com
I like the concept he has. He searches the web looking for interesting scroll saw resources and writes a post about what he finds.
Lets support Travis and let him know we appreciate his work.
Thanks Travis for telling me about your blog. Good luck.
Posted by Steve Good at 5:27:00 PM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
A few more Ornaments
Here are a few more Christmas ornaments to cut. I usually stack cut 3 or 4 at a time from 1/4" wood. Use different species of wood so you get a nice mix of colors.
Christmas ornaments make nice Christmas gifts. Make the four ornaments in this set and wrap them in a small gift box. You will be surprised how much a hand made gift is appreciated. Remember to add your certificate of authenticity.
Posted by Steve Good at 11:06:00 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Scrollsaw Workshop Video Tour
I am often ask by the readers here about my workshop. I thought I would do a video tour of my workshop and show you around.
Part One:
Part Two:
Posted by Steve Good at 12:14:00 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Layered Elephant Bank Pattern
Here is a prototype for a layered elephant bank scroll saw pattern. I cut this pattern from mdf to get the proportions correct. I am going to eventually cut this from hardwood. I thought I would go ahead and post this pattern because I have not posted much lately. I am basically satisfied with the way it turned out. I used 1/2" material for each layer which works out alright.
After you complete the elephant use it to mark the foot placement on the base. You can then cut the holes in the base and glue the elephant in place.
When I cut this from a hard wood I will take much more time sanding and rounding the body of the elephant. The goal is to make the seams disappear as much as possible.
Posted by Steve Good at 11:25:00 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Diving Trophy
Steve, I love the Girls Spike It Better pattern. I have a Granddaughter who is a volley ball player. I'm a novice but intend to give it a try. Any chance of getting a pattern of this type for a Grandson who is a diver. Thought it could say Divers Rule The Pool. Thanks for your consideration. Also please send your snail mail address.
Hi Buckeye2, I like the slogan so here is a diving pattern for you.
Posted by Steve Good at 8:59:00 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thanks Tanya.
I am a beginner scroll sawer and that is why i have enjoyed your site, Daily.
I found a site that i can print Gears then cut them with scroll saw... though you might be interested.
Thanks Tanya, this gives me several ideas for future patterns. If any one uses this generator to design the gears for a scroll saw project and would like to share, email me a picture.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:28:00 AM
Show and Tell from Lydia
Lydia, a frequent reader of The Scrollsaw Workshop emailed this photo of one of my patterns she cut. She modified it a little by scrolling the drivers name. Looks great to me. Post a comment below and say hi to Lydia.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:20:00 AM
Fine Woodworking Videos
I thought these videos might be of some interest to anyone just getting started in woodworking. The guys over at finewoodworking.com put together a woodworking introduction series of videos. Here are the first four videos in the series. They do a pretty good job of going over the basics. Enjoy.
If you are reading the email post please visit http://scrollsawworkshop.blogspot.com to view the videos.
Posted by Steve Good at 12:59:00 AM
Monday, November 19, 2007
Mini Mantel Clock
My wife wanted a small desk clock for work. She wanted it to be very basic with little or no fret work. This pattern is 7" long and sits about 4" high. The pattern in designed for a 1 7/16" mini clock insert. You can use a 1 3/8" forstner bit to drill the hole.
I went into the workshop two times this weekend and both times were a total flop. I'm working on a pattern for a truck that matches the Old Car pattern from a few months ago. I was cutting pieces at the table saw and mis cut two pieces. Got frustrated and moved on to some sanding I needed to do and my spindle sander started making some weird noise and I'll have to take it apart this week and see what's wrong with it. At that point I figured I would give up for a while and start again Sunday.
Sunday I went in to cut the clock in this pattern. Mind you this clock requires one cut at the scroll saw. I messed that one cut up by getting in a hurry and let the blade flex and undercut the pattern. :)
I'm really not just whining here it just reminds me what it felt like when I first started scrolling 20 some years ago.
I get emails from people just starting out in this hobby who are frustrated. All I can say is that the frustrating days get further apart but as I was reminded this weekend they never go away.
My lesson relearned for the millionth time today is sometimes you have to just walk away and start again later.
Posted by Steve Good at 12:06:00 AM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Girls Spike It Better Trophy
Thanks Donna, I am highly susceptible to flattery . I hope this volleyball trophy lives up to your expectations.
Keep on scrolling Rookie.
Posted by Steve Good at 7:27:00 PM
Bowling Trophy Pattern
I received a request for a bowling pattern. Lydia wants to make a hand made gift for her dad who is a bowler. I hope this will make him happy.
To customize the pattern you could remove the "strike!" and replace with the bowlers name.
Thanks for the request Lydia. Have fun with the pattern and let me know how it works out.
Posted by Steve Good at 12:12:00 AM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Candy Dish with Videos
I like the way this project turned out. The Peruvian walnut matches the grain of the pine beautifully. This dish is 7" long and stands about 2" high. My Dewalt scroll saw has a maximum cutting depth of 2". With the table tilted the depth of cut decreases. This bowl is right at the limit of what I can cut. If your saw has a smaller depth of cut just adjust the thickness of the material to compensate.
The dish is an easy afternoon project. I videoed the construction of the dish pictured above. For a few construction tips please take a look at the videos.
I think I'll make a few of these candy dishes for Christmas gifts this year.
Pattern download below videos.
Part One
Part Two
Posted by Steve Good at 12:58:00 AM
Friday, November 9, 2007
Hockey Pattern Book
A few weeks back I posted several sports patterns. There were several sports I neglected. I still get request for more so here you go. This is a book of a few hockey patterns. Enjoy.
Posted by Steve Good at 10:10:00 PM
Email from Paul
Hi Steve
Thanks for sharing Paul. I had not cut the lizard pattern yet. I might make one of those for my computer desk. I know your son will appreciate the gift.
Posted by Steve Good at 8:35:00 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Corel Draw Guidelines Video
Corel Draw has dozens of tools and options available to you as a pattern maker. You can get started as a designer fairly quickly with just a few of these tools and add more tools as you go.
One tool that you should learn and use early in your training is the guidelines tool. The guidelines allow you to more accurately position objects within you pattern.
Several of the readers here have sent email telling me that you have purchased Corel Draw and are following the videos here. Some of the videos get allot of views and other don't. If you have topics that are challenging you drop me an email and I'll see if I can put together a video tutorial that might help.
For those of you following along enjoy the video.
If you get the post from an email subscription you will have to visit the blog to view the videos.
Posted by Steve Good at 2:11:00 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Wooden Utensil Scroll Saw Patterns
These are fun to make but a little more challenging than they look. There is a considerable amount of hand carving and sanding involved. If you have a spindle sander and a belt sander you can cut down on the carving quite a bit.
Cut these patterns from 3/4" wood. For the spoons I usually start with the bowl. Sometimes I use a Dremel tool to remove the wood other times I use a carving gouge. After you get the depth of the bowl where you want it you can start contouring the rest of the spoon. Take you time and get a pleasing contour. Remember you can always take off more wood but you can't put it back on. Stop and look at your progress from time to time.
Choice of wood and finishing instruction are included with the pattern. These utensil patterns are about 10" long bu can easily be resized to what ever you like.
Posted by Steve Good at 11:09:00 PM
Scroll Saw Blade Holders
I get a few emails each month asking about scroll saw blade storage. I have seen dozens of storage containers used. The two pictures in this post are the methods I use. The top picture shows the tubes that I purchased from Sloans Workshop. These are just the right size and you can quickly see how many blades you have left. I print labels for each blade type & size and stick them on the tube.The bottom picture shows a method that works great also. These are 1/2" pvc pipe cut to 6". You can also purchase the end caps. Pvc pipe can be found at most hardware stores. Use a permanent marker to label the tubes. The main draw back is not being able to see the blades with out opening the tube.
Some scrollers build carousels to keep blades organized and easy to reach. Which ever storage method you use it makes scrolling more enjoyable if thing are organized and ready when you need them.
Posted by Steve Good at 10:50:00 AM
The New Scroll Saw Handbook by Patrick Spielman
I purchased this book by Patrick Spielman a few weeks ago. The book was published a few years ago but remains very relevant today. Some of the hardware is a little out of date but that does not detract from the book overall. I have to say it is the most informative scroll saw handbook I have ever picked up. The book covers everything from the history of scrolling to advanced sawing technique.
The book is a hefty 350 pages long with very little fluff. There are informative chapters on every subject you can think of. I have several scroll saw books but this is the one I keep on my desk for quick reference.
A nice feature of the book is the relatively low price for what you get.
If you are new to scrolling you need this book. It will take you to the next level much more quickly than you will on your own. I would also recommend the book to the more serious scroller for general reference and inspiration.
If you are interested in this handbook click the link above and you can purchase if through my eStore which is an Amazon affiliate. In the interest of fairness I do get a small fee for selling this book. That said I do think it is a fine product.
Posted by Steve Good at 2:45:00 AM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Do any of you have any information about what happened to Great American Scrollsaw Patterns - a Division of The Berry Basket? The site has been off-line for several weeks now. They don't reply to emails. I liked their site and hope they have not fallen on hard times.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:00:00 PM
Scroll Saw Jewlery
Here is a scroll saw pattern that will use up even the smallest scraps of exotic lumber. The ring on the right is zebra wood. The one on the left is a glue up of maple and walnut. Be creative with the glue ups to give the ring character.
Notice the profile of the rings. It is important to take the time to sand the rings to this curved profile. If you leave them flat they look bad.
Make sure you cut the interior cut first.
The free pattern includes the sizes 5 - 13 US . After you cut the ring at the scroll saw you can custom fit the ring by sanding the inside. Don't leave any nibs inside the ring. Make sure it is smooth. Then profile the outside of the ring.
Sand the rings to at least 600 grit. You want them to feel as good as they look. Spray with several coats of spray lacquer and use 000 steel wool in between coats to smooth the finish.
Posted by Steve Good at 12:53:00 AM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Mr. Spock Portrait
Mr. Spock the half-human, half-vulcan character from the 1960's television series Star Trek is a favorite among science fictions fans. Spock was played by Leonard Nimoy. The show only lasted three seasons and was canceled for low ratings in 1969. 40 years later with movies, cartoons, books and television spin offs it's hard to believe it got the hook so quick.
I usually cut portrait patterns from 1/8" baltic birch plywood. I back the pattern with colored felt and frame behind glass. Cut the plywood to 8x10 inches before you mount the pattern. Many people use spiral blades to cut portraits but you can use regular blades if you are more comfortable with them.
Posted by Steve Good at 11:58:00 PM
Friday, November 2, 2007
Free Sanding Station
Well maybe it's not free but it is really cheap. In this video I will show you how to turn your scroll saw into a miniature sanding station. You might be surprised how simple this is.
If you are receiving this by email subscription you will need to visit the blog to watch the video.
Posted by Steve Good at 2:37:00 AM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Red Skelton Scroll Saw Portrait
I don't usually do scroll saw portraits but I get so many request for them I thought I would design a few. This is a portrait of Red Skelton. I grew up watching his variety show. Not only was Red a great comedian and performer he was also a fantastic artist. He made his
Freddie the Freeloader character famous on his television show then after his retirement he spent his time painting. This is one of his paintings. They can sell for thousands of dollars.
Red spent his early years in vaudeville, Broadway and radio. He also appeared in more than 30 films.
In 1951 CBS hired Skelton to star in his own variety show where he made famous characters such as Freddie the Freeloader and Gertrude & Heathcliff. Red ended each show with the phrase "Good night and may God bless". The world lost Red Skelton in 1997 at the age of 84.
Now for your listening pleasure "A Christmas Story" staring Red Skelton.
Posted by Steve Good at 11:35:00 PM
Decorative Robe Hanger Patterns
If you are looking for some simple patterns to use up that scrap wood in your shop this pattern book might help. There are more than twenty patterns in this book. All the patterns are quite simple and would be easy patterns for young scrollers to learn with.
The hardware is inexpensive and can be found at most hardware stores. Use the hanger as a template for drilling the holes in the plaque. You can then use the screws that come with the hardware to mount the plaque to the wall.
Posted by Steve Good at 9:41:00 PM
Pattern by Lydia
Lydia, a reader of the Scrollsaw Workshop has been working on her pattern design skills in Corel Draw. She has generously contributed a pattern to our readers.
Lydia, I know you have been working through some of the video tutorials. You are making great progress. One word of caution though. Designing patterns may be addictive. Watch for the symptoms. Forgetting to go to bed, consuming large quantities of Pepsi and worst of all, explaining to friends what a bezier curve is.
Thanks again Lydia. Keep up the great work and I'll be happy to post any pattern you would like to share with us.
Posted by Steve Good at 5:41:00 PM
Heritage Wood Specialties. Scroll saw ready boards!
Heritage Wood Specialties is a nationally recognized supplier of superior quality hardwoods to fine woodworkers across the US and Canada. Novice hobbyists and experienced enthusiasts alike can enjoy the high quality woodworking materials and kits available from Heritage Wood Specialties. Great source for scroll saw ready boards.
Free Pattern Catalog. 1000's of free patterns.
Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw Book $12 Each
Watch the following video to see how easy these beautiful scroll saw vases
are to make.
Order the $3 pdf Catalog
Stencil Printer Instruction Video.
Scroll Saw Pattern Printer update 1.1

Scroll Saw Keychain Pattern Maker

Download the Oval Keychain Pattern Maker.

Philip Lowndes Noah's Arc Pattern Available. Watch the video below.

Think Safety
The Scrollsaw Workshop Blog is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Magazine formerly (Scroll Saw Workshop Magazine) or it's publisher Fox Chapel Publishing.
Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts