Interesting video about the Excalibur EX21. I noticed Woodcraft is now selling this model.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Excalibur 21" Scroll Saw Model EX21
Posted by Steve Good at 11:15:00 PM
Desk Signs
Here is a little project that some of you might like. This little guy can hold a sign with different text. I have included a few different signs and a blank. This will be easy to customize to what ever you want it to say.
I also included the drawing and painting guide. A little craft paint and a Sharpie permanent marker for the outlines are all you will need.
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Posted by Steve Good at 8:53:00 PM
Wish Alan luck.
I received these pictures today from Alan. He used corian to cut the Hallow Vase pattern I posted the other day. I think they look great. Alan will be entering these projects in the Tri-County scrollers show in June. Good luck in the show Alan. Make sure you take pictures of the blue ribbons and share them with us.
Posted by Steve Good at 2:30:00 PM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Cool jigsaw puzzle technique
I found this video on Youtube. Dee from Platinum Puzzles demonstrates a continuous puzzle cutting technique that I have not seen before. I have to give this one a try. If you have a chance pop on over to their website and have a look around.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:48:00 AM
Monday, May 26, 2008
Checkerboard Puzzle
This small coffee table puzzle looks simple but don't be fooled. I've seen people give up in frustration with this one. The object is to put the puzzle pieces together to form a checkerboard. The solution is on the last page of the pattern but don't peek until you have given it a try.
The puzzle tray is 5 1/2" x 6". I made the puzzle pieces from 1/4" Baltic birch ply. I colored the black squares with a Sharpie permanent marker. Before you use the marker spray the pieces with lacquer to help keep the ink from bleeding. Finally give it a couple more coats of lacquer to protect the ink.
I hope everyone here in the states had a nice Memorial Day. I want to thank all the military personnel stationed around the world for your service. I salute all the family members who have lost loved ones protecting our country. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
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Posted by Steve Good at 11:44:00 PM
ISP Problems
The internet service provider I use to host my patterns has been having problems this weekend. I'm sorry about the problems downloading content from my blog. I don't know how long it will take for them to get their problems worked out. They have been fairly reliable for me until lately. Thanks for you patience.
Steve Good
Scrollsaw Workshop
Posted by Steve Good at 3:00:00 AM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Scroll Saw Hallow Vase
If you don't have a lathe but you want to make a vase then give this technique a try. The pattern will make a hallow vase that stands 8 1/4" tall. The project is not too difficult but it does require a good bit of sanding.
The videos below will show you the constructions technique to make this vase. I highly recommend that you watch the videos before you begin.
The Free pattern follows the videos.
Part One
Part Two
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Posted by Steve Good at 5:56:00 AM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Scrolled Cross Pattern
Here is a simple scrolled cross. It stands about 8 inches tall. The cross stands on an oval base. I hope you enjoy cutting this pattern.
I have a gripe tonight. I had a 21 inch flat panel monitor just now die. It's a Gateway FPD2185W. This is the second one of these monitors I have had die in the same way. They last a little over a year then just go blank. These were very expensive monitors. $500!! I also have a 22 inch Gateway monitor and I guess it will probably go the same way. Just passing this along in case any of you are looking for monitors. I sure can't recommend Gateway. The one that died was on my video editing computer.
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Posted by Steve Good at 12:02:00 AM
Monday, May 19, 2008
Email from Norm
Norm sent me an email with a picture of his latest project. He cut the Patriot Clock pattern I posted the other day. Thanks Norm for sharing the picture. Looks great to me.
Posted by Steve Good at 10:25:00 PM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Floral Clock Pattern and Video
I put together a video tonight that shows the construction of this scrolled floral clock. You can download the pattern below. This is an easy project to cut. The construction is straight forward. You should be able to make this clock in one afternoon. You will need a 2 3/4" clock insert.
Woodcraft opened a new store here in Lexington Ky this month. Today was the Grand Opening. I spent a couple hours wandering around the store. So many toys and so little money. It's nice to have local access to products that I could only purchase online before. Their wood is expensive but I guess that's the price you pays for having it local.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
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Posted by Steve Good at 12:22:00 AM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Sue Mey Tutorials
Sue Mey is one of the finest scroll saw pattern designers I know. Sue has been published many times in all the major scrolling magazines. If you would like to know the secrets of Sues design technique this is your chance. She is selling tutorials for her portrait style patterns. She has three tutorials available covering her technique in Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro and Corel Photo-Paint. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the best.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:26:00 AM
Mystic Hardwoods
I'm sorry to say that it looks like Mystic Hardwoods was unable to stay in business. If you have followed this blog regularly you know I have tried to send them some business. I hoped they would be a good source for the scrolling community. I'm sure Billy and Desa did their best to make it work. hopefully they will do their best to make good on any outstanding orders. They have posted a telephone number for anyone with outstanding orders. 253-651-2607
Posted by Steve Good at 12:29:00 AM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Patriot Clock
The Patriot clock stands 21" tall. It requires a 2 3/4" clock insert. This project is a little more complicated than the patterns I usually post here at The Scrollsaw Workshop. You will need a couple more tools to finish this clock. You will need a router for the cove detail in the bases. All the pieces need to be cut square at a table saw before the fretwork is cut to insure correct fit.
If you are new to the scroll saw and want to try a project that is a little more challenging then give this clock a try. It is basically just two boxes assembled with simple butt joints. The boxes are then just stacked between bases. The fretwork is not that delicate. I cut the entire project with a Flying Dutchman scroll reverse #5 blade.
I hope you enjoy this pattern. I would love to see some pictures of the finished clocks you make. Good luck and have fun.
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Posted by Steve Good at 1:02:00 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Carter Johnson, Master Puzzle Maker. Stamp video.
I have featured Carter here at the Scrollsaw Workshop before. Carter makes scroll saw jig saw puzzles. One puzzle that he makes is from a stamp. I have one of these puzzles and they are incredible. Carter just made a video of the technique he uses to cut these miniature puzzles. If you like to scroll you will be amazed to watch this master puzzle maker cut these stamps. Don't miss this video. You can direct questions to Carter Johnson.
Posted by Steve Good at 7:54:00 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Clock and Candle Set
This clock and candle set uses a 2 3/4" clock insert. I purchased my clock at item #125116 . The clock stands about 9" tall. The clock and candles set on oval bases. The candle cups can be cut and then sanded to the correct side profile.
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Posted by Steve Good at 10:11:00 PM
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Home Sweet Home House Number Plaque
Customize this Home Sweet Home plaque with your house number. The number template is included with the pattern. The plaque is 8 inches tall and 7 inches wide.
I am on vacation next week and really looking forward to the time off. We have been so busy at work that I have not been able to get much time in my shop. I have a few ideas for new patterns that I want to work on.
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Posted by Steve Good at 11:43:00 PM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Scroll Saw Books Cheap
I received an email today from Fox Chapel Publishing. They are having a scratch and dent sale on books. Looks like they are going fast. If you are looking for some pattern books it might be worth taking a look. Fox Chapel is the publisher of Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts magazine. These are people you can trust to purchase from.
Posted by Steve Good at 5:24:00 PM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
United We Stand Clock Pattern From Norm
This beautiful clock pattern from Norm Benjamin will be a fun project to cut. The clock is over 14 inches long and 11 inches high. Norm gives details in the pattern on where you can purchase the clock insert for the project.
Thanks for sharing your work with everyone Norm.
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Posted by Steve Good at 12:10:00 AM
Monday, May 5, 2008
Oval Hand Mirror
This project requires a 4 x 6 inch oval mirror. I purchased mine at Woodcraft. I used 1/2" white oak for my mirror that I got from Mystic Hardwoods. The mirror is 13 and 1/4" long.
You will need to understand how to cut a relief cut on your scroll saw. This is a technique where to tilt the saws table a few degrees. When you cut the oval at an angle the piece will not come completely out. This can be used to create the recess for the mirror. Below is a diagram of a relief cut.

You will need a relief of about 1/8". The depth is determined by the angle of the cut and the thickness of the blade. Use a scrap piece of the project wood to test a relief until the required depth is achieved. On my mirror I set the table to a 6 degree angle with a #5 blade. You also want to make sure you tilt the table so the cutout falls toward the back of the mirror. Remember to do test cut on scrap until you get it correct.
Make sure you set the table back to 0 degrees after you cut the relief. You want the rest of the cuts square.
Because of the size of the mirror the pattern has been cut in two pieces and will need to be taped together before applying to the wood.
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Posted by Steve Good at 11:29:00 PM
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Karate Trophy
I had a reader requested a karate trophy. This is what I came up with. I hope you get a kick out of it. That was bad huh.
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Posted by Steve Good at 10:45:00 PM
One Year Anniversary
Just a short thank you video for helping me make the Scrollsaw Workshop what it is. I'll talk a little about the changes I hope to be making in the months ahead. Thank you all for letting me be a part of your hobby. I hope the next year is as much fun as the first.
Posted by Steve Good at 2:52:00 PM
Heritage Wood Specialties. Scroll saw ready boards!
Heritage Wood Specialties is a nationally recognized supplier of superior quality hardwoods to fine woodworkers across the US and Canada. Novice hobbyists and experienced enthusiasts alike can enjoy the high quality woodworking materials and kits available from Heritage Wood Specialties. Great source for scroll saw ready boards.
Free Pattern Catalog. 1000's of free patterns.
Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw Book $12 Each
Watch the following video to see how easy these beautiful scroll saw vases
are to make.
Order the $3 pdf Catalog
Stencil Printer Instruction Video.
Scroll Saw Pattern Printer update 1.1

Scroll Saw Keychain Pattern Maker

Download the Oval Keychain Pattern Maker.

Philip Lowndes Noah's Arc Pattern Available. Watch the video below.

Think Safety
The Scrollsaw Workshop Blog is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Magazine formerly (Scroll Saw Workshop Magazine) or it's publisher Fox Chapel Publishing.
Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts