So This has almost nothing to do with scroll saws but I'm a sucker for neat wooden projects. I found this on Youtube and thought I would share it with you guys. These are very creative and look to be very well made.
I think I'll have to design a whirligig pattern for the scroll saw.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Incredible Whirligigs Video
Posted by Steve Good at 5:43:00 AM
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Silly Cat Mini Clock Pattern
This is a mini clock pattern that I designed for a friend who loves cats. The pattern requires a 1 7/16" mini clock insert.
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Posted by Steve Good at 5:06:00 PM
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sanding Mop Demonstration
The sanding mop is a new addition to my scroll saw workshop. I purchased mine at the SAW EXPO a couple weeks ago. I have to say I wish I had found one several years ago. It really is a time saver when it comes to sanding fretwork.
Check out this video demonstration and see if the sanding mop has a place in your workshop.
Here are 3 links of places you can purchase a sanding mop.
R.J.R. Studios
Stockroom Supply
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Posted by Steve Good at 3:18:00 AM
Friday, July 25, 2008
Pattern For Toy Plane
This little toy bi-plane is fun and easy to make. It's probably not appropriate for small children but older kids should not have any problems. The plane can easily be made in one afternoon.
I used walnut for the fuselage and oak for the wings. You will need a small piece of 1/4" dowel stock. I used walnut dowel. The wheels are 1 1/4" in diameter and can be purchased or cut from the pattern.
The video below shows tips for constructing the plane. There are also detailed pictures in the plans for you to study. If you are reading this in the Email newsletter you may not be able to view the video. Some email clients security settings block the video. To watch the video just visit the blog.
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Posted by Steve Good at 4:44:00 AM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Cats, clock and Pen Desk Set
Here is a desk set pattern for the cat lovers out there. I get more requests for cat patterns than just about anything else. This is am easy pattern for you to cut that will make a nice gift.
The pattern requires a 1 7/16" clock insert. The pen and cup are optional.
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Posted by Steve Good at 6:43:00 PM
Re-sawing Thin Stock for Bookmarks
This idea might be a little crazy but it works. I upload a few bookmark patterns a couple weeks ago. They have been one of the more popular patterns I have ever posted. The down side is that I received dozens of email asking where to get the thin stock for the pattern.
Many of you said that you don't have the tools available to make your own thin stock. You also said that the cost of thin stock online was too high. I figured I needed to come up with a solution. That's when I decided to try to re-saw 2" stock with the scroll saw. This video shows how I was able to get nice small sheets of thin stock.
Before I get hundreds of email telling me how inefficient this is let me just say it works. If you have a band saw knock your self out re-sawing thin stock. This technique is just a workaround for those scrollers working with limited equipment.
This technique pushes most scroll saws to their limit. I made sure I used a quality blade and I cut walnut that cuts like butter. Your results may vary depending on your saw, blade and species of wood you choose.
Use extra caution when cutting wood this thick. Keep your fingers clear of the top arm. You won't have much clearance for you fingers and you can get a pinch.
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Posted by Steve Good at 5:03:00 PM
New Self Published Book by Charles Dearing
Charles Dearing has had his portrait patterns published in Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts magazine many times. Fox Chapel Publishing recently published a wildlife pattern book by Charles that has been very well received. I know many of my readers have followed his work for some time.
Now for the first time Charles has self published 30 of his outstanding portrait patterns in an eBook. The title of the book is "Cowboy, Cowgirl and Rodeo". This is a great opportunity to buy directly from the artist. Let's help make this effort a success so he will publish more of these wonderful books.
The next two pictures are just a couple of the great patterns included in the book. You will find many hours of scrolling fun with these patterns.
Charles has priced this pattern book to sell. Less than 50 cents per pattern. Just $14.95 gets you 30 great patterns. You are going to get hours of fun for pennies.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:17:00 PM
Monday, July 21, 2008
Another Free Pattern from Charles Dearing. Longhorn
Charles has kindly donated another free pattern to the Scrollsaw Workshop. Keeping with the wildlife theme this pattern is titled Longhorn. You can find other great patterns designed by Charles at Click Here. Make sure you visit Charles site and say hi.
Posted by Steve Good at 8:00:00 AM
Cutting Acrlyic with the Scroll Saw
In this video I cut a name plate out of 3/4" acrylic. Acrylic can be difficult to find in small pieces. I purchased mine from PS Wood Machines. They had a booth at the SAW EXPO with scrap acrylic for sale. I purchased several pieces. I have emailed them to see if this is something they stock all the time. I will let you know when I get an answer. One source of acrylic is ebay. Search for acrylic sheets.
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Posted by Steve Good at 5:35:00 AM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Beautiful Project from Dan Hart
I've been out of town for a couple days. When I got back and started going through my email I found this picture from Dan Hart. Dan took the Oval Bowl pattern I posted a couple weeks ago and added an initial inlay to the bottom. I did a video on the inlay technique recently if you want to give this a try.
The project came out fantastic and Dan's wife loved the gift. She proudly displays the bowl with other cherished collectibles.
Dan took a basic project and with his creativity made it into a family heirloom. That's what turns craft into art. Thanks Dan for sharing your project and reminding all of us that a little creativity can make a project so special. Beautiful work.
Posted by Steve Good at 3:59:00 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Email From Belgium
I received an email form Werner Ooghe. He is a scroller from Belgium that specializes in colorful children's puzzles. He sent a link to a gallery of his projects. I thought they were wonderful and wanted to pass along the gallery for everyone to see. Click Here.
Werner also makes picture frames that are nice. These patterns could be good sellers at the right craft show. I'm not sure if he sells the patterns of if he just makes the projects. Maybe he will let us know.
Posted by Steve Good at 11:55:00 PM
Chess Set and Board by Daryl Cooper
I received these pictures from Daryl Cooper a few days ago and I wanted to share them with you guys. The board is made from maple and mahogany with the trim in cherry. Daryl used a pattern that was designed for a lathe and modified it for the scroll saw. That is an idea I would have never thought of. Looks like it came out great. I guess you never know where you can get a pattern. Nice job Daryl.
Posted by Steve Good at 8:00:00 AM
Designing a Clock Face in Corel Draw.
I received an email yesterday from Craig. He is interested in designing a scroll saw clock. He was curious how to design a clock face in Corel Draw. He was not sure how to get the ticks around the clock accurately. I have not produced a Corel Tutorial lately so this seemed like a good project.
The video goes pretty quick. I have a 10 minute time limit on my videos and it was tough to get all the information included in that amount of time. You might need to watch it a couple time to get it all.
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Posted by Steve Good at 12:58:00 AM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Laugh Out Loud by Ron Hewett
Ron cut the Laugh Out Loud pattern I posted last week. This pattern might be simple but it makes me smile. I guess I'm easily amused. Thanks Ron you did a good job and the frame you made works with the pattern well.
Love the pictures you guys send me. Keep'em coming.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:00:00 PM
Monday, July 14, 2008
Scroll Saw Association of the World EXPO 2008 Ribbon Winners
The Scroll Saw Association of the World Expo 2008 was last weekend. The show contest was judged the second day and the ribbons were handed out. All the projects were outstanding and deserving of praise.
The judges have a job to do and they have to pick the winners. The judges spent a lot of time examining the work closely looking for flaws that the average person would never notice. That's what it takes to find a winner. After much anticipation they placed the ribbons and the winners were known.
I wanted to show video of as many ribbon winners as possible. I am sorry I missed some of the winners but the show ended very quickly and I just could not get to every display.
This intarsia project was awarded best of show. The picture does not do justice to how beautiful it actually was in person. I don't have the name of the artist right now but I will update the post when I get the name.

Posted by Steve Good at 10:41:00 PM
Charles Dearing Wild Horse Pattern
I know many of you will recognize Charles from all the patterns and articles he has had published in Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts magazine. I was thrilled to get an email from Charlie today. He stumbled by my web site and dropped me a note to say hi.
Charlie is a master portrait pattern designer and has recently publish a pattern book that I know many of you will want to check out. The title of the book is Wildlife Portraits in Wood. Here is the link to the book. Click Me.
Charlie also has his wonderful patterns available for sale on his website. He does custom patterns for very reasonable prices. If you need a portrait pattern of a loved one this is the guy to go see. Web Site.
As a treat for my readers Charlie has donated a pattern for everyone to download for free. The wild Horse pattern is shown below. It is a beautifully designed pattern and should be a fun challenge.
Thanks Charlie.
Posted by Steve Good at 7:03:00 PM
Scroll Saw Association of the World EXPO 2008
My wife I were able to attend the Scroll Saw Association of the World EXPO 2008 in Wilmington, Ohio this weekend. The Expo opened at 9am on Saturday. Attendance for the show was pretty good the first day. Sunday was a little slow but everyone that came saw a nice show.
The event was held at the Roberts Convention Center. The venue was first class from the spacious convention floor to the beautiful hotel. My wife and I spent Saturday night at the Holiday Inn attached to the Convention center building. The service was superb and the room was very nice. We definitely enjoyed our stay.
There were several seminars both days. Woodburning with Cheryl Dow, Compound Cutting with Diana Thompson, From the tree to the saw by Wes Demerest, Parquerty by David Adler, Intarsia techniques by Kathy Wise. These speakers wraped up the first days seminars. The ones I checked out seemed to be well attended. On Sunday Bob Duncan spoke about Article writing for magazines and Joannie West talked about Cut, Sand, Glue and Finish.
The only seminar I had time to attend was by Diana Thompson. Diana is a friendly and open person and she made the lecture entertaining. She discussed Basic compound cutting. I would estimate about 45 people attend Diana's seminar. After her presentation she took question and stayed around after to make sure everyone had their questions answered. I enjoyed the presentation and it looked as if the others in the room did also.
This first video is a sights and sounds introduction so the EXPO. The video is no where near a complete rundown of the show. I spent so much time talking and enjoying new friends that I neglected the video camera a bit.
The second video is a demonstration of the Sand-Flee by R.J.R. Studios. It is an interesting machine that drew quite a bit of attention at the show They were nice enough to demonstrate the capabilities for my readers. For more info visit
The last video for this post is an impromptu demonstration by Rick Hutcheson. Rick free hand cuts tiny compound cut reindeer without a pattern to the delight of the crowd. Rick is a master scroller and you can visit is web site here.
Thats all for this post. I will have more video and pictures in tomorrows post.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:08:00 AM
Friday, July 11, 2008
Web Video Review.
This video is a new feature I'm testing. I plan to do video reviews of scroll saw web sites. The first video is of Rick Hutchesons Rick has been on the web for years helping scrollers all over the world. Watch the video then head on over and spend some time on his site.
Let me know if you enjoy this type of review. I know this will be old news for many of you but hopefully it will give those new to scrolling valuable information.
Posted by Steve Good at 2:38:00 AM
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Laugh Out Loud Sign
This sign is a reminder to laugh out loud. This is a quick little project for you to cut and it's a nice reminder not to take life too serious.
The sign is about 6" x 7 1/2".
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Posted by Steve Good at 5:00:00 PM
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
3D Chess Pieces
This pattern book has a complete set of 3D chess pieces. I have only had time to cut the King and Bishop in the picture above. If any of you have time to cut the complete set I would appreciate some feedback and pictures. I just don't have time right now to finish the project. I think all the pieces are pretty close to right.
I'm going to go ahead and release the pattern book because so many readers have ask for it. We'll see how it works out.
I would not recommend cutting this pattern as your first 3d project. If you do want to tackle it and need help do a search for my Jewelry Box video. It was posted July 22nd 2007.
Just a reminder that the Scroll Saw Association of the World EXPO 2008 is July 12th and 13th. The EXPO is being held in Wilmington Ohio. Here is a link to the event web page if you need more information. EXPO 2008
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Posted by Steve Good at 10:32:00 PM
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Garden Plate Pattern
This garden plate pattern is 7" in diameter. You can hang it from a tree, put it on a fence or just lay it on the ground. You will want to cover it well with an exterior finish to protect it from the weather. It won't last forever but that just gives you an excuse to make another one next summer.
I hope everyone here in the US had a nice and safe holiday weekend. It was nice to have an extra day off. I was able to travel and visit family so my wife and I had a nice weekend.
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Posted by Steve Good at 10:54:00 PM
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Carter Johnson, Master Puzzle Maker Gallery
Many of you enjoy cutting jigsaw puzzles. One of the best ways to get better at any art is to study from the best. Carter Johnson is one of the best color line jigsaw puzzle makers around. If you study the photos above you can see his technique by examining the front and back sides of the puzzle. The link below will take you to a gallery of Carter's puzzles.
Carter Johnson Gallery
Posted by Steve Good at 6:12:00 PM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Catalog update
The Scrollsaw Workshop free pattern catalog has been updated to show the last 12 patterns. Make sure you refresh your browser after the page loads to get the update.
You can open the catalog by clicking the image below. The catalog can always be found at the bottom of my blog.
Posted by Steve Good at 12:00:00 AM
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
One more picture.
Here is a picture that came in too late for the last post. John sent this turkey portrait he made for a friend. His friend makes turkey calls so I'm sure he will like the gift. The frame is made from Birdseye Maple and Sapele. Making one of a kind frames for portraits really makes the project look great. Thanks John, nice work.
Posted by Steve Good at 9:10:00 PM
Reader submitted pictures
I have more reader pictures to share. Keep'em coming. The first three are from David. David cut some of my word art patterns. He also cut the oval bowl pattern and his wife who is an artist painted the Flowers. I would give my left big toe to be that talented. Thanks David and tell your wife her work is beautiful.
The next picture is from Jo Ann. She cut this wonderful shelf pattern. Thanks for sharing Jo Ann. Keep sending me your pictures. I love to see your work.
Check out this costume prop made by Nic. He recently purchased a scroll saw to help make his props. When he sent me the early prototype I thought he must be a professional prop designer. I found out he just does this for fun. I think he needs to head out to Hollywood. There has to be a job for someone with his skill. Incredible.
Posted by Steve Good at 8:28:00 PM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Bookmarks Take Two
I got flooded with email today asking for more bookmark patterns. I sat down and made 60 plus more patterns including initials. I always get surprised by which pattern you guys will like. The bookmarks book I uploaded yesterday was downloaded hundreds of time in just a few hours.
I will be attending the SAW EXPO in Wilmington Ohio on the 12th and 13th of this Month. If any of you will be attending look for me and say hi. For those of you that won't be there I hope to bring back pictures and video of the event.
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Posted by Steve Good at 8:17:00 PM
Hand Made Wooden Bookmarks
This pattern book has a few bookmark patterns for you to cut. I use 1/16" veneer to cut bookmarks. Stack cut these to make batches. Cut your veneer into strips and stack them together. Glue the pattern to the blank and wrap the stack with box tape to hold them together. You can easily make 8 at a time stack cutting.
Slow the speed of you scroll saw down if you have trouble with splintering edges.
Sand the edges to round them over and finish to your liking. I use lemon oil then finish with spray lacquer.
If you guys like these let me know and I'll make another book with more. I can make dozens of these patterns quickly.
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Posted by Steve Good at 12:07:00 AM
Heritage Wood Specialties. Scroll saw ready boards!
Heritage Wood Specialties is a nationally recognized supplier of superior quality hardwoods to fine woodworkers across the US and Canada. Novice hobbyists and experienced enthusiasts alike can enjoy the high quality woodworking materials and kits available from Heritage Wood Specialties. Great source for scroll saw ready boards.
Free Pattern Catalog. 1000's of free patterns.
Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw Book $12 Each
Watch the following video to see how easy these beautiful scroll saw vases
are to make.
Order the $3 pdf Catalog
Stencil Printer Instruction Video.
Scroll Saw Pattern Printer update 1.1

Scroll Saw Keychain Pattern Maker

Download the Oval Keychain Pattern Maker.

Philip Lowndes Noah's Arc Pattern Available. Watch the video below.

Think Safety
The Scrollsaw Workshop Blog is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Magazine formerly (Scroll Saw Workshop Magazine) or it's publisher Fox Chapel Publishing.
Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts