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Thursday, November 27, 2008
Peace On Earth Scroll Saw Pattern
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Posted by Steve Good at 2:03:00 AM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
I just wanted to wish everyone in the U.S. a very happy Thanksgiving. I hope all of you are able to enjoy a nice restful day of feast and family.
I also want to say how much I appreciate all the prayers and support I received while my mother was in the hospital. When I told her about all the email from around the world she was truly touched. She is now home recuperating. Thank you all.
Posted by Steve Good at 11:41:00 PM
Monday, November 24, 2008
Another Book of Word Art Patterns
Here is a pattern book of ten word art patterns. Enjoy.
Just wanted to let all of you know I might be a unavailable for email for a couple days. My mother had a heart attack Saturday. She is doing pretty well but I need to be with her until they find out how much damage was done. If you are waiting for an answer to an email now I should be able to get caught back up mid week. Thanks for your understanding.
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Posted by Steve Good at 12:00:00 AM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tall Potpourri Box
This round box stands 8" tall. I designed it to be used as a potpourri box but it could have other uses. I made it from maple and walnut.
I received several responses to my question in the last post. I wanted to know which types of wood or other materials you like best for scrolling. I will compile a list of the answers and post it in a future post. Thanks to all that took the time to answer.
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Posted by Steve Good at 1:38:00 AM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Guitar Mini Clock
This guitar mini clock pattern requires a 1 7/16" clock insert.
I have a question for everyone. What is your favorite wood or material to cut with a scroll saw? You might have more than one favorite depending on the type of project. If you have time give me your reasons behind your choice.
This is a question I get in an email almost every week. It is the second most ask question after which blades to use. New scrollers struggle with this question and I would like to get some input from you guys so I can better answer.
I am especially interested to hear from reader outside the US.

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Posted by Steve Good at 11:51:00 PM
Rabbit from the Hat
This mini clock pattern was a request from a reader. He wanted a similar design to the Guitar Star pattern I posted a couple days ago. I thought some one else might find a use for it also.
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Posted by Steve Good at 1:03:00 AM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Flower Mini Clock
Well I have been away from the workshop for a few days. Had to recharge my batteries. Spent the weekend just relaxing and enjoying my daughters birthday. I enjoy scrolling but sometimes you just have to get away. Last week I was working on two different projects and screwed them both up. :) I sat there trying to make up my mind if I was going kick the saw or the neighbors dog. Being a nonviolent kind of guy I decided I should take a couple days off.
My frustrations made me think about all the email I get from new scrollers. They often express there frustration about how it looks so easy in my videos( Never underestimate video editing). I usually tell them to take a break and try again tomorrow. It always seems easier the next day. That's easy advice to give and tough to hear.
If you are new to the hobby remember that as with any new skill it takes a little time to master. In my case it's been about 26 years but I'm a slow learner. When you feel like kicking the dog just put it down and start again later. You may still screw the project up but at least the dog is safe.
Here is a simple little mini clock pattern for you to cut.
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Posted by Steve Good at 8:03:00 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Guitar Star Pattern
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Posted by Steve Good at 11:30:00 PM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Pilot Clock Scroll Saw Pattern
I received and email from Charlie in Florida today. He said he was cutting the Bass pattern I posted yesterday for his son-in-law for Christmas. His son is an avid pilot and he wanted something similar to cut for his Christmas present. Charlie said he has been scrolling for a couple years and loves my blog. Well flattery will get you far Charlie. Here is a pilot clock I designed tonight for your son. Merry Christmas.
The pattern requires a 3 1/2" clock insert.
I'm posting it in the hope a few others will find a use for this pattern also.
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Posted by Steve Good at 8:56:00 PM
Fish or Die Scroll Saw Pattern
This large mouth bass clock is 7 1/2" tall and 9" long. The pattern requires a 3 1/2" clock insert. This should make a nice Christmas gift for the fisherman in your family. I used 3/4" oak for this project.
It would be a pretty easy job to customize this pattern. I included the same pattern with out the words. You could add the name of the fisherman or just leave it blank. If you need help getting the name on the pattern i can do it for a donation. Just drop me an email.
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Posted by Steve Good at 12:04:00 AM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Standing Scroll Saw Puzzles From Papa G
I received an email late last week from Alan(Papa G). He sent me a few pictures of the standing puzzles he has been making from photographs. I knew as soon as I saw them that I had to share them with you guys. I ask Paga G if he would write up his technique for this post. Thanks Papa.
For those of you that work the craft shows I think these could be good sellers. Make up a few of these to display and take custom orders.Papa G's Technique:
The wood that I like to use for my standing puzzles is 3/4 inch poplar. I take most of my pictures with a digital camera. After I get the picture I want to use I put it on Corel Draw, erase what I don't want to use, and then make it the size I want for the final piece. I then glue it to the board with a good spray glue. I use 3M Super 77 glue. It works good for me. Spray both the paper and the board. I use a number 3 reversed tooth blade, and I work the blade slow.(Note from Steve, Papa free hand cuts the puzzle pieces. This is not that difficult with a little practice. After a few pieces you will have it down.) A mop sander is then used to smooth the back side of the puzzle. To finish the puzzle I use one light coat of clear lacquer, then wait overnight and put one more heavier coat of clear lacquer on. I hope you enjoy making them as much as I do.
Alan (Papa G)

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Posted by Steve Good at 8:40:00 PM
Friday, November 7, 2008
10 More Christmas Ornament Patterns
Here are 10 more Christmas Ornaments for your scrolling pleasure.
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Posted by Steve Good at 11:59:00 PM
The Best Thing About Me Is You.
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Posted by Steve Good at 12:00:00 AM
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Small Scroll Saw Jewelry Box
This is a fun project. This small jewelry box is constructed by gluing up multiple pieces of stock. The drawers are assembled from the drawer opening cut outs. Everything is glued up and sanded flush. The box is about 3 1/2" deep.
This project requires a lot of sanding. It will be very helpful if you have a belt sander and a spindle sander. You can use the spindle sander to sand the interior after the pieces are glued up. You can do all this by hand but it's going to take a bit of effort.
I'm receiving several emails from readers outside the United States. They are looking to buy their first scroll saw. Several of the brands we have here in the states are not available locally for them. If you are an experienced scroller in Europe or Asia I would like to hear from you. Tell me which saw in your region of the world you would recommend.
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Posted by Steve Good at 10:54:00 PM
Wolf Hand Saw Pattern
Here is another hand saw pattern. This one is a scene of three wolves howling at the moon. The saw is 15" long.
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Posted by Steve Good at 12:00:00 AM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Triangle Tray Puzzle
Here is a small coffee table tray puzzle to challenge your guests. There are only four pieces but it's harder than it looks. The goal is to get all the pieces laying flat inside the tray. I have only found one solution. Of course the one solution can be inverted but I don't count that.
This is another pattern to keep you from throwing away your scrap wood. The are two different sizes of this puzzle in the pattern. The small one can be built with your smallest scraps.
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Posted by Steve Good at 12:00:00 AM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Family Plate
I would say this sums up most families. :)
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Posted by Steve Good at 12:05:00 AM
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Word Art Clocks. 24 Patterns
This pattern book includes 24 clocks. Each pattern has a different short saying wrapped around the top. You will need a 3 1/2" clock insert for the patterns. The clocks stand about 5" tall. Just the right size for a desk clock. Big enough to sit on a shelf.
The back of the clock is removable to replace the battery. You can leave the front bezel and back plate off if you like. I think the clock looks more balanced with them added however.
If anyone is interested I would like to make another book of these clocks with sayings provided by the readers here at the Scrollsaw Workshop. Email me if you have some to add. Keep it to about 17 letters including spaces.
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Posted by Steve Good at 10:04:00 PM
Congratulations John
John is a long time reader of the Scrollsaw Workshop. He recently entered a beautiful scrolled portrait of a cheetah in the Peanut Festival Art Show. This is the first time John has entered a project and it was a successful first attempt. He received a third place ribbon. I have seen many of John's works of art and his skill has continued to develop with every piece. John makes many of the frames for his portraits which are very well made also.
I wanted to share this photo with all of you and at the same time tell John congratulations.
Posted by Steve Good at 7:20:00 PM
The Scrollers Cafe has moved.
I know that many of you are readers of "The Scrollers Cafe" forum. MSN hosted the forum and has decided to discontinue that service. They have found a new home. I received an email from Jesse Davis asking if I would pass along their new location. Just follow the link below. If you are not a member sign up and enjoy what they have to offer.
Posted by Steve Good at 10:12:00 AM
The Wisdom of Charles Dickens
I like to read inspirational and thought provoking quotes. This quote from Charles Dickens rings very true to me. This small plaque would make a nice gift for a close friend. The words are cut and applied to the plaque. The plaque is 6" high and the black areas in the picture above are interior cuts.
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Posted by Steve Good at 1:51:00 AM
Heritage Wood Specialties. Scroll saw ready boards!
Heritage Wood Specialties is a nationally recognized supplier of superior quality hardwoods to fine woodworkers across the US and Canada. Novice hobbyists and experienced enthusiasts alike can enjoy the high quality woodworking materials and kits available from Heritage Wood Specialties. Great source for scroll saw ready boards.
Free Pattern Catalog. 1000's of free patterns.
Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw Book $12 Each
Watch the following video to see how easy these beautiful scroll saw vases
are to make.
Order the $3 pdf Catalog
Stencil Printer Instruction Video.
Scroll Saw Pattern Printer update 1.1

Scroll Saw Keychain Pattern Maker

Download the Oval Keychain Pattern Maker.

Philip Lowndes Noah's Arc Pattern Available. Watch the video below.

Think Safety
The Scrollsaw Workshop Blog is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Magazine formerly (Scroll Saw Workshop Magazine) or it's publisher Fox Chapel Publishing.
Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts