Here are a few simple scroll saw jewelry pieces that you can also use the polymer clay with. Just cut the piece, fill the cut out with clay. Bake as directed on the package. Sand flush and finish.
I'll be drawing for the one year subscription of the Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts magazine tonight. 4/30/10 at 10pm eastern time. I will live stream the drawing if you would like to watch.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Simple Scroll Saw Jewelry with Polymer Clay Inlay.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:43:00 AM
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Next Live Stream and Giveaway 4/30/10 at 10pm Eastern Time.
The next drawing for the one year subscription of the Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts magazine will be Friday 4/30/2010 at 10pm. I will be doing a live stream of the giveaway. You do not have to be on the stream to win. Hope to see some of you there. We will do the giveaway and then open it up to chat.
If any of you would like to email me a question for the live stream send it tomorrow or Friday with the subject "Stream Question". I'll read it on the stream and we can discuss the question with the chat room. Any questions you have about blades, saws, wood, or anything else that comes to mind.
Make sure you get your entries in before 6pm 4/30/10. The entries will be locked at that time.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:50:00 AM
Dragon Hand Mirror with Polymer Clay Inlay.
Here is a hand mirror for the men. The pattern needs a 4" round mirror. Woodcraft part number 17T02. The mirror is inset into the mirror by cutting the circle at a bevel. Set the table of your saw at about 4 degrees and make test cuts until you get about a 1/8" reveal. After you cut the circle set the saw back to 90 degrees and finish all other cuts.
You will also need 1 pack of FIMO polymer clay for the inlay. Over fill the cutout of the dragon with the polymer clay. Put the hand mirror in an oven preheated to 265 degrees for 30 minutes. Don't let it burn. It stinks if you do. Remove the mirror and let it cool.
Use a sander to sand the polymer clay flush with the wood. Sand down to 320 grit to get a smooth finish on the clay and wood. Glue the bevel cut into the mirror frame then use epoxy to set the mirror into the cutout.
Complete with your choice of finish.
The mirror can be easily customized with your choice of cutout and color of clay.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:12:00 AM
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Humming Bird Candle Sconce Scroll Saw Pattern.
This candle sconce is very easy to cut. If you need a pair make sure you make them a mirror image. I used 1/2" thick clear pine. All the cuts were made with a #5 scroll reverse blade. The screw holes are plugged with purchased button plugs.
I plan to draw for the next winner of the Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts magazine subscription Friday 4/30/2010 at 10pm Eastern time. I will do a live stream of the drawing if anyone is interested in attending. More details of the live stream tomorrow when I get them finalized.
Make sure you get your daily entries in for a better chance to win. Remember to find the small picture of the scroll saw on the blog. When you find it click it to enter.
Posted by Steve Good at 12:49:00 AM
Monday, April 26, 2010
We have a winner of the first Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts one year subscription.
During the live stream the other night I did the first drawing for the one year subscription to Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts magazine. Ed Alexander from Michigan was the lucky winner. Ed's entry was drawn from over 5000 entries.
Ed tells me he enjoys visiting the Scrollsaw Workshop and driving his 1971 MGB. Congratulation Ed and I hope you enjoy the magazine.
The next drawing will be 4/30/2010. Remember to get your daily entries in before it's too late.
Posted by Steve Good at 3:52:00 PM
Mother's Day in the U.S. is May 9th this year.
A Mother loves right from the start.
She holds her baby close to her heart.
The bond that grows will never falter.
Her love is so strong it will never alter.
A Mother gives never ending Love.
She never feels that she has given enough.
For you she will always do her best.
Constantly working, there's no time to rest.
A Mother is there when things go wrong.
A hug and a kiss to help us along.
Always there when we need her near.
Gently wipes our eyes when we shed a tear.
So on this day shower your Mother with Love.
Gifts and presents are nice but that is not enough.
Give your Mother a day to have some peace of mind.
Be gentle, be good, be helpful, be kind.
Happy Mothers Day.
By Carol Matthews

Posted by Steve Good at 1:06:00 AM
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Salute to Fire Fighters every where.
A reader of the Scrollsaw Workshop needed a pattern for a for a charity auction where the proceeds honor a fallen firefighter. The money raised is put into a college scholarship fund for the children. It's so easy to take for granted the job firefighters do. When it's out turn to need them we sure are glad they are there.
I thought a few of you might be able to find a use for this mini clock patterns also. The pattern requires a 1 7/16" mini clock insert.
Posted by Steve Good at 11:10:00 PM
Relief cut cross scroll saw pattern.
Get ready to tilt your table. Practice your relief cutting and make this beautiful cross for mom on Mothers Day. If you have never tilted the scroll saw table to make bevel cuts before this project will give you an easy project to practice on. Start out at about 2 to 3 degrees and make small test plug cuts to get the correct depth to the relief. Adjust the table until you get around a 1/4" depth cut. The smaller the angle the deeper the relief.
We had another live stream party last night. A couple readers have ask what a live stream is. It is two things actually. I broadcast my live video over the internet and you watch it on the built in player on the live stream page. We also have a chat box where the viewers can type their comments and questions. It's interactive TV.
I usually have a few things planned such as the drawing for a prize of some type. Last night I talked about the new features here on the blog. We then opened it up for questions. We had around 70 viewers last night and the stream lasted about one and a half hours.
I think everyone had a good time and the turn out was pretty good for such a short notice. Thanks for all the questions and the interesting chat.
The next live stream will be 4/30/2010 at 10pm eastern time. I will do another drawing for the Scroll Saw Woodworking and crafts subscription. Hope to see you all there.
Continue to submit your daily entries for the next giveaway drawing. All previous entries are still valid until after the next drawing. We had a winner last night. Next time it might be you.
Posted by Steve Good at 2:40:00 AM
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Live Stream and Chat tonight at 10pm Eastern Time. Saturday 24, 2010
I will be doing a live stream tonight. Saturday 4/24/2010. I will be announcing the first winner of the Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts magazine subscription. You do not have to be on the stream to win. The stream will start approximately at 10pm Eastern time.
I will spend just a few minutes talking about the new features of the blog. We will do the giveaway and then open the chat up for questions/general chat.
I will moderate the chat to have a period of just questions. I had a difficult time last stream keeping up with the questions in the chat. I'll stick around as long as you guys wish to talk or until I fall asleep.
You can visit the live stream page by clicking the image above or clicking the same image in the left hand column of the blog.
Sorry about the late notice but if you have time I hope to see you there.
Posted by Steve Good at 4:42:00 AM
Reader Photo Gallery Update.
Major upgrade to the Reader Photo Gallery. After you register you can now upload your pictures to an album. There are currently three different albums. Projects, Shop Photos and mug shots. While you upload the pictures it will ask which album to put it in. Try to keep them separated.
For now I will approve all photos before they show up in the album. I just want to make sure it stays family friendly. After you upload the photo be patience and I will approve ASAP.
I imported all the photos from the old gallery. Unfortunately no user data was available in the old gallery. If possible I will try to go back through my email and update the photos with info. If you see one of your projects feel free to post a comment and let people know it was yours.
Enjoy the new gallery.
Posted by Steve Good at 4:06:00 AM
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Free Scroll Saw Stand Plans From Kenneth Van Winkle.
On 3/27/2010 I posted a write up from Kenneth showing the custom stand he made. I have had several readers write and ask if Kenneth had plans for the stand. He was good enough to go back and put together this document explaining how it was built. He specs out all the pieces and provides helpful links to explain why he chose this design. Thanks again Kenneth.
Posted by Steve Good at 8:05:00 PM
More Best Friends Scroll Saw Patterns
Five more best friend patterns. Beagle, Scottish Terrier, Poodle, Great Dane and a Retriever. Lots of email on this one. I only got a few done tonight but I'll do more this week.
Don't forget the giveaway drawing is this Saturday night. Get your entries in to win.
If you have not signed up for the Community Forum you are missing out on a lot of new friends. Stop by. You can look around as a guest. If you like what you see sign up. It's free and hopefully a lot of fun.
Make A Donation
Posted by Steve Good at 2:10:00 AM
How to add pictures to a post in the Community Forum.
Here is the first video tutorial explaining how to insert pictures in a message over on the new Community Forum. I know many of you are new to online forums. They can be a very valuable resource of information. It's also fun to be able to share pictures of your projects with the world.
This video will start with the basics of linking to a picture and uploading a picture into a message. This is just a beginning. I will go into more detail in the next video.
I'll try to have the next video up tomorrow night.
Posted by Steve Good at 12:13:00 AM
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Server Issues
The blog and the new Community Forum are running at a snails pace. It started early this morning. My dedicated group of IT elves are feverishly working to correct the problem. Sorry for the trouble. 03:52pm 4/21/2010
I'll be pretending to work on the blog for the next few hours so my wife does not catch on and make me go cut the grass. The light is so bright out there.
Posted by Steve Good at 3:46:00 PM
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
My Best Friend
This was a request pattern. I know you guys will want other breeds. Dog patterns have always been popular here so I will do more soon.
The giveaway fund is good enough this month to do two drawings. I think I will do a drawing for the Scroll Saw Woodworking and Craft magazine one year subscription this Saturday night. 4/24/2010 at 10pm Eastern Time. Just for fun I will do a live stream for the giveaway. You won't have to be on the stream to win. I'll post more details on the live stream later this week. Remember to get your daily entry in so you have a chance to win.
Make A Donation
Posted by Steve Good at 11:50:00 PM
Monday, April 19, 2010
You guys and gals blow my mind!
Okay, I should have know I could count on you guys and gals. The new Scrollsaw Workshop Community Forum got off to an incredible start. Over 500 registered users the first 24 hours. Heading toward 700 posts of great comments and information from several countries around the world.
I'm sure there will be a few glitches as I learn how to effectively maintain the forum. So far just minor problems have crept up (fingers crossed). I have a couple moderators lined up who will start helping out in the next couple days. Please give them your utmost cooperation while they learn the ropes.
Ask questions if you have them and we will try to answer as best we can. Remember the forum software is complicated to operate so we might have to take the question and get back to you later. Just be patient while get the ball rolling.
Thanks again and if you have not stopped by the forum we invite you to give it a try.
On another note I am hoping to completely replace the Reader Photo Gallery soon. The one we have is horrible. The new one, if all goes well will allow user uploads and comments. If you have submitted photos recently I am holding them for the new forum. Now if I can just figure out how to make the dang thing work. :)
Posted by Steve Good at 10:28:00 PM
Special Project Shared by Mike Conolly. Secret Lock Box
Hey guys, I have a special project to share with you all today. Mike Conolly sent me this project he designed. It is a secret locking box. After you close the box and install the end pieces it will not be at all obvious how to reopen it. It's a nice simple design and should be pretty easy to make.
I drew up the plans from Mike's specs so I hope they are not too confusing. Study the pictures before you start and work out your strategy for construction.
I did not include the ornamental piece on top because Mike did not send that to me but you can add whatever design you like to make it your own.
Take a minute to go to Mike's ETSY site and take a look around.
Thanks Mike. We all appreciate the effort you put into this design. Nice work.
We are on our way to the deadline for the giveaway. Win a one year subscription to the "Scroll Saw woodworking and Crafts Magazine". Make sure you visit the blog everyday and find the scroll saw picture link to enter. Simply find and click the scroll saw to enter. It's easy. It's free and you might just win. What are you waiting for? Go find the scroll saw now.
Make A Donation
Posted by Steve Good at 10:08:00 PM
Sunday, April 18, 2010
New Community Forum is Live. Help me get it off the ground.
I have been busy this week updating the blog. I am excited to have added a couple new features. The other day I added the reader picture album. That seems to be going strong. They are getting lots of views. I will be updating this soon to add more features. Remember to email me your pictures and I'll add them to the gallery.
Tonight I have added a new community forum to the blog. I have had this feature requested many times so I thought I would give it a try. You will see the graphic link in the left hand column of the blog. Just look for the picture above.
This is a place for all the readers of the Scrollsaw Workshop to get together and discuss our favorite hobby. Forums are only as good as the participants make them. The more the better.
I want to ask a favor of each of you. Help me get this forum off the ground. Please visit the forum and register to participate. Registration is easy and free. Look in the upper right of the forum page and click register. Fill out the registration form and you are ready to go.
I have set up a few rooms to get us started. If you would like to see more rooms set up just let me know.
Take a minute to introduce yourself to the world and feel free to ask any questions you may have.
If you are a member of a scroll saw club, online forum or have friends that would like to participate please send them this way.
I know many of you may have never participated in an online forum before. I will be working on tutorials to show how to use many of the features. In the mean time just play around with it. You can't break anything so click on things and see what they do.
I hope you will enjoy this new community forum. A wealth of information can be shared and friends can be made. Give it a try, you might just like it.
Make A Donation
Posted by Steve Good at 11:35:00 PM
Oval Key Chain Pattern Maker. Video Demonstration and Download Link.
Several weeks ago I had some of you guys test a program I had written to design and print oval key chain patterns. The test went okay but there were a certain percentage of printers that would not print the patterns to scale correctly. The number was low but I thought I would be able to fix the problem. Unfortunately I never resolved the issue so I never released the program.
Since that early test I keep getting email asking for the link to the program. I have decided that because it works with the majority of printers I will go ahead and release it with the knowledge that it may not work for some users. I feel that because it is free to download and use no one will be out anything other than time if it does not work for them. I will keep trying to fix the bug and update if I get it solved.
I have produced a quick introduction video for the program that will be available on my blog. You can download the program from the button below and it will be available on the top portion of my blog.
These little mini programs have been popular with thousands of downloads. I hope you will enjoy using this one also.

Make A Donation
Posted by Steve Good at 1:10:00 AM
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Measure Twice, Cut Once Shop Clock
I received a request for Karen to combine a couple of older patterns and make this Measure Twice, Cut Once shop clock. The clock is 8" and needs a clock movement with appropriate hands.
Thanks Karen.
Posted by Steve Good at 3:56:00 AM
Jesus Fish Scroll Saw Pattern
We are on our way to the deadline for the giveaway. Win a one year subscription to the "Scroll Saw woodworking and Crafts Magazine". Make sure you visit the blog everyday and find the scroll saw picture link to enter. Simply find and click the scroll saw to enter. It's easy. It's free and you might just win. What are you waiting for? Go find the scroll saw now.
Make A Donation
Posted by Steve Good at 3:27:00 AM
Friday, April 16, 2010
New photo gallery of reader pictures.
I added a new feature to the blog this morning. I have compiled many of the photos that readers have sent me in the last several weeks and put them in an online photo gallery.
Send me picture of your projects, shop pictures, pictures of yourself and Ill post them in the gallery. I know everyone likes to see what other scrollers are working on so send them in.
Let me know if you need help attaching pictures to email. Hopefully I can upgrade the photo album to allow direct uploading soon. I also want to add labeling of the photos and comments.
You will find the photo gallery in the left hand column of the blog. Go take a look. There are some very nice projects there.
Posted by Steve Good at 5:23:00 AM
The one that got away- Scroll saw pattern
Here is a plaque for those fisherman in your life who love to come home with stories of the one that got away. I can't take credit for the idea for this pattern. I saw a plaque like this several years ago at a craft fair. I thought it was funny then and I still do. If you have buddies who fish you will probably think it's funny also.
We are on our way to the deadline for the giveaway. Win a one year subscription to the "Scroll Saw woodworking and Crafts Magazine". Make sure you visit the blog everyday and find the scroll saw picture link to enter. Simply find and click the scroll saw to enter. It's easy. It's free and you might just win. What are you waiting for? Go find the scroll saw now.
Make A Donation
Posted by Steve Good at 2:18:00 AM
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Sheila Landry has done it again.
Hey guys my memory is slipping. Sheila from Sheila Landry Designs wrote me a couple weeks ago to let me know she had a new free pattern up. This is an awesome pattern and free to boot. After you cut this free one go back and buy the other two sets. They are currently on sale for $7.95 per set.
If you want to cut something as a gift for a friend or family member this is just the pattern to grab. Sheila has some of the most artistic patterns available on the web. Many of them are within the skill level of even the beginning scroll saw artist.
Visit Sheila's web site and look around. I guarantee you that you will find something you can't say no to. While you are there make sure to download her catalog.
Posted by Steve Good at 3:32:00 AM
Customized Baseball Stand Pattern.
It's baseball season and many of you have children and grandchildren playing little league or high school baseball. This pattern book includes everything except the name plate. I used my Scroll Saw Pattern Printer program to print the name. The program is available on my blog as a free download. Preserve those special moments that will mean so much in years to come.
You can also display home run or autograph balls from your favorite big league player. Play ball!
We are on our way to the deadline for the giveaway. Win a one year subscription to the "Scroll Saw woodworking and Crafts Magazine". Make sure you visit the blog everyday and find the scroll saw picture link to enter. Simply find and click the scroll saw to enter. It's easy. It's free and you might just win. What are you waiting for? Go find the scroll saw now.
Make A Donation
Posted by Steve Good at 3:16:00 AM
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
60 second audio tip - Inexpensive finish.
The Krylon Acrylic Crystal Clear spray finish is inexpensive and works great to finish off scroll saw projects.

We are on our way to the deadline for the giveaway. Win a one year subscription to the "Scroll Saw woodworking and Crafts Magazine". Make sure you visit the blog everyday and find the scroll saw picture link to enter. Simply find and click the scroll saw to enter. It's easy. It's free and you might just win. What are you waiting for? Go find the scroll saw now.
Make A Donation
Posted by Steve Good at 3:43:00 AM
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tray Puzzle
This makes a nice little puzzles to sit on the coffee table. It's tougher to solve than it looks. I used a couple different species of wood for the puzzle pieces just for contrast but I did a poor job of mixing up the pieces when I cut them. It would look better if they were mixed up better.
Make sure you keep entering the magazine subscription giveaway. Just visit the blog and find the small scroll saw graphic link. I move it around from time to time so keep looking.
Make A Donation
Posted by Steve Good at 4:07:00 AM
Heritage Wood Specialties. Scroll saw ready boards!
Heritage Wood Specialties is a nationally recognized supplier of superior quality hardwoods to fine woodworkers across the US and Canada. Novice hobbyists and experienced enthusiasts alike can enjoy the high quality woodworking materials and kits available from Heritage Wood Specialties. Great source for scroll saw ready boards.
Free Pattern Catalog. 1000's of free patterns.
Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw Book $12 Each
Watch the following video to see how easy these beautiful scroll saw vases
are to make.
Order the $3 pdf Catalog
Stencil Printer Instruction Video.
Scroll Saw Pattern Printer update 1.1

Scroll Saw Keychain Pattern Maker

Download the Oval Keychain Pattern Maker.

Philip Lowndes Noah's Arc Pattern Available. Watch the video below.

Think Safety
The Scrollsaw Workshop Blog is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Magazine formerly (Scroll Saw Workshop Magazine) or it's publisher Fox Chapel Publishing.
Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts