I received an email a couple days ago from one of my readers, Jim Jackson. His son is a member of the West Memphis police department. You may have seen the story of the murder of two of their police officers on the 20th of last month. Officer Bill Evans and Sgt. Brandon Paudert were gunned down during a traffic stop. Both officer were survived by a wife and young children.
The Police department and the community have been devastated by this horrible event and two young families have been turned upside down.
Jim's email simply ask if I would design a simple pattern he could cut and sell to help raise a little money for the families of the slain officers. Obviously I was more than honored to help but I was hoping I could take it one step further and ask for my readers help.
What I ask is that if you could take a few minutes and cut one of these memorial patterns and send it to Jim. Jim has said he will work hard to make sure the cuttings get sold and the monies will go the the families.
I know there are a thousands of tragedies around our country every day. It's not possible for anyone to help in every case but we can all help in some. My heart is full of sorrow for the families, friends, colleagues and the community of West Memphis. If you can possibly help, take a few minutes to download this pattern.
The shipping address is included with the pattern. Thanks for the help and God bless the families of the slain officers. You are in our thoughts.
Monday, May 31, 2010
I need your help.
Posted by Steve Good at 11:21:00 PM
Scroll Saw Bevel Gauge
This video shows how to make a bevel gauge to help determine the correct starting angle for the table when making relief cuts.

Posted by Steve Good at 1:51:00 AM
Replay from the Scrollsaw Workshop live stream.
Click the picture above to view a replay of the Scrollsaw Workshop Live Stream from 5/30/2010. The stream main show lasts about 25 minutes then I take questions from the chat for another 45 minutes.
Included in the show is the drawing for the giveaway. I also show how to construct a bevel gauge for relief cuts. I will discuss a way to use your scroll saw to help out with the tragedy in West Memphis Arkansas. Reader email and more.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:05:00 AM
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Collapsible Basket Scroll Saw Pattern. Live Stream Tonight at 9pm Eastern.
This little basket will collapse flat for storage. The basket rings are cut at about 3 degrees so the basket will collapse on it's self. 1/4" dowel is glued into the outer ring so the handle will pivot flat.
Before you make the cuts in the basket make sure you test cut the bevel on scrap wood. Remember the less the angle the more the basket will open.
The live stream starts tonight at 9pm Eastern time. I will have the giveaway drawing and more.
Here is the link to the stream page. STREAM PAGE. For those of you that have not attended please stop by tonight. I'll again try to keep the event short and then turn it over to questions and answers. We generally have a pretty good time and you might win the giveaway. To login to the chat portion simply enter your name and click the connect button.
I have received several email that you don't know how the live stream works and are not sure what to do. If you have a broadband connection to the internet you are all set. Just visit the stream page tonight at 9pm. Enter your name in the chat box on the right. Click the connect button. Chat is optional. You can just watch the video if you like. The video should start automatically. If not click the play button. Most browsers will already have everything needed to show the video and chat. If you don't see them then you might need to install flash for the video and java for the chat. If you need help just email me. Hope to see you there.
Posted by Steve Good at 5:01:00 AM
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Lucky Horseshoe Scroll Saw Pattern.
Everyone needs a little luck. Hang this lucky horseshoe above your door and you will collect lots of luck. Do you know which direction a lucky horseshoe should be hung? Open at the top or bottom? Well it turns out it's up the your discretion. If the opening is up the occupants of the house will collect luck. If the opening is down, you are spreading luck on all who enter the house.
Don't forget the live stream this Sunday night at 9pm Eastern time. 5/30/10. I will do the final drawing for this months giveaway. Get you daily entries in for the best chance to win.

Posted by Steve Good at 1:02:00 AM
Friday, May 28, 2010
Welcome to our Home Scroll Saw Pattern.
Hope everyone enjoys the long weekend. If you are traveling for the holiday remember to be safe and wear your seat belts.
If your plans include working in the shop this is a great time to look around and check for any safety problems.
Are all chemicals stored correctly?
Are there any oil soaked rags or other fire hazards that need attention?
Is your fire extinguisher handy and working?
If you have children in the home are all power tools locked to prevent accidental start-ups?
Make sure the floor has no power cords or other trip hazards.
Check your power cords, extension cords, wall outlets and other electrical devices for proper use and that they are in good condition.
Make sure all blades in your power tools are sharp. Check that all hand tools with cutting edges are sharp. Dull blades are much more dangerous than sharp blades.
Is your shop well ventilated when you use chemicals?
Do you have your dust mask and safety glasses handy so you will use them?
If you will spend an hour or two this weekend inspecting and cleaning your workshop you will have used your free time well. Injuries or fire loss are no fun. Most are preventable. Just do it.

Posted by Steve Good at 12:28:00 AM
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The Dog Lady Scroll Saw Pattern.
The cat lady pattern I uploaded last week caused several requests. The most wanted was a Dog Lady.
We are getting close to the next giveaway. This month the giveaway is "Creating Wooden Boxes with the Scroll saw". It's a nice book with several nice patterns. If you have not registered to win take a few minutes today and visit the blog. There is a link to the registration instructions at the top of the blog. You can't win if you don't play. It's free so what do you have to lose.
I will again do a live stream of the giveaway. I think we had about 60 of you guys show up for the last stream. I have fun doing the stream and hopefully I'll get better at not being too boring. I'll keep it shorter this time and then just open it up to chat. I will start the stream at 9pm Eastern time, Sunday 5/30/2010. Hope to see several of you there.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:13:00 AM
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Don't miss out on these Scrollsaw Workshop features.

You will also find the Community forum there. In the forum are over 1000 scrollers from all over the world. If you would like to share your hobby with many nice people register and have fun.
The Reader Photo album is there where you can share your latest projects for all to see. There are hundreds of projects and shop photos to inspire you. Take a few minutes and look around.
The Live stream is where a couple times a month I do a live video. You can join myself and many scrollers from all over the world talking about our favorite hobby. Just visit the Live Stream page on the scheduled date and time. You can optionally log into the chat and ask questions or share your comments. I also do free giveaways during the live stream so join us for the fun. The next Live Stream is scheduled for 5/30/10 at 9pm Eastern time.
I have over 150 videos in the Video Archive. I show many scroll saw techniques as well as teach how to design scroll saw patterns in different programs. And more.
You will also find the daily post archive in the left column and links to other great web sites you might be interested in.
I know many of you know about these features but some do not. If you have not check these features out please take a look. You might find something you like.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:15:00 AM
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
3d Mounted Deer.
Mount this guy in your trophy room. No deer was harmed in the making of this pattern.
This project has no interior cuts. You folks with pin end blade saws will be able to cut this pattern with no problem. I used 20mm wobble eyed. The head is screwed to the plaque for support.
Let me know if any of you guys are brave enough to put a ring in his nose and mount it in the bathroom as a towel holder. :) Better yet send me a picture of your wife's face when she sees it.

Posted by Steve Good at 2:52:00 AM
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sheila Landry Designs, Free Pattern.
Hey guys Sheila Landry wanted to share another free pattern with us. Check out this Birds of Prey pattern. This is the Northern Hawk Owl. If you like this pattern check out the other Birds of Prey series at Sheila's site. Thanks Sheila.

Posted by Steve Good at 11:30:00 PM
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Remember those that gave it all. Memorial Day May 31st.
At the end of the Civil war many communities set aside a day to remember those who died in the war. It was not an official federal holiday until 1967. Lets remember those that gave it all for our country.
Posted by Steve Good at 10:38:00 PM
Friday, May 21, 2010
Teddy Bear Mini Picture Frame.
This Teddy Bear frame can be customized with a name. Just use your computer to print the name you need. It's best to use a stencil font. Print the name using a 62 point font for best fit.
The pattern is made for a 1 7/16" mini frame insert.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:54:00 AM
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The Cat Lady Scroll Saw Pattern
It seems like every family has one. The cat lady. Cut this for the cat lady in your family.
Posted by Steve Good at 3:10:00 AM
Monday, May 17, 2010
Fretwork Clocks Scroll Saw Patterns
This is a double pattern. Both clocks are identical except they are different sizes. The clock shown here is 13" long and 6 1/2" high. It requires a 2 3/4" clock insert. The woodcraft part number is included in the pattern. The second pattern is designed for a 1 7/16" mini clock insert.
The larger clock is cut from 3/4" thick wood. This clock is large enough that 3/4" is proportional. The smaller clock should be cut from 1/2" thick wood. This pattern will also allow those of you with saws that only except pin end blades to cut it.
Posted by Steve Good at 11:46:00 PM
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Polymer Clay Inlay Technique Video
This is a video showing the polymer clay inlay technique. I have received many email asking how I finish the key chains or other projects using this product.
If you are reading this in the email newsletter you may not see the video. Please visit the blog and watch it there.

Posted by Steve Good at 6:59:00 PM
Charles Amelotti Giveaway Winner
During the live stream last night I selected the first of two giveaway winners this month. Charles Amelotti of Missouri was the winner of "Creating Wooden Boxes on the Scroll Saw." Congratulations Charles, thanks for entering the giveaway. All the entries for this month are still active for the second giveaway May 31, 2010.
Remember to continue to submit your daily entry. Instructions for entering can be found here
Posted by Steve Good at 6:40:00 PM
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Live Stream and Chat Saturday 5/15/2010 at 9pm Eastern Time. Giveaway Scheduled.
It's time for another giveaway. Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time. (5/15/2010). I will start the live stream at 9 and then we can do chat for a while if you want to stick around. The giveaway is for "Creating Wooden Boxes on the Scroll Saw". The deadline for entries will be 12 noon eastern time 5/15/2010. Make sure you get your daily entries in. Please remember to only enter once a day. I am still having to delete multiple entries. When this happens all entries from that day are deleted not just the extra entries. Be careful so you don't get deleted.

If you are new to live streaming consider coming and joining us. It's simple. Just visit the blog and look for the live stream graphic link in the left hand column. Click the graphic and the live stream page will open. If you wish to enter the chat just enter a name in the right hand panel and click connect. The chat allows you to participate in the live stream by reading and asking questions of other viewers and me. The live video will be displayed on the left.
Come and join us. It's fine to just be a spectator or jump and and participate as much as you like. If I get 100 or more viewers in the stream I will do a special giveaway for those logged in to the chat.

Posted by Steve Good at 11:46:00 PM
Butterfly Box Scroll Saw Pattern
I am still playing around with the polymer clay for an inlay material. This round box has a butterfly pattern that I inlayed with the clay. You can just leave the fretwork open if you don't care for the inlay. I did learn one thing in this test. Don't make a mistake and use transparent yellow. Make sure you use plain yellow. The transparent does not look very good once it's baked.
On this piece the top is 1/4" thick. I did not use a backing board for the clay to sit on. I was testing to see if the clay would stay in the cut outs after is was baked. It seems pretty solidly attached to the cutouts. I would say it passed this test fine.We are getting close to 3000 entries for the giveaway. I think I'll do the drawing for this months first giveaway Saturday night. 5/15/2010 at 9pm Eastern Time US. I will do a live stream of the giveaway. You do not have to be there to win. Here is a deal for you guys. If we can get over 100 people attend the live stream I'll do a second giveaway just for the people who are logged into the chat. Hope to see you there.
Posted by Steve Good at 2:09:00 AM
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Time to Fish Link Problem Fixed.
The email that went out last night had a bad link to the pattern. This download button will let you download the Time to Fish pattern. Sorry for the error.
Posted by Steve Good at 9:33:00 AM
Heritage Wood Specialties. Scroll saw ready boards!
Heritage Wood Specialties is a nationally recognized supplier of superior quality hardwoods to fine woodworkers across the US and Canada. Novice hobbyists and experienced enthusiasts alike can enjoy the high quality woodworking materials and kits available from Heritage Wood Specialties. Great source for scroll saw ready boards.
Free Pattern Catalog. 1000's of free patterns.
Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw Book $12 Each
Watch the following video to see how easy these beautiful scroll saw vases
are to make.
Order the $3 pdf Catalog
Stencil Printer Instruction Video.
Scroll Saw Pattern Printer update 1.1

Scroll Saw Keychain Pattern Maker

Download the Oval Keychain Pattern Maker.

Philip Lowndes Noah's Arc Pattern Available. Watch the video below.

Think Safety
The Scrollsaw Workshop Blog is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Magazine formerly (Scroll Saw Workshop Magazine) or it's publisher Fox Chapel Publishing.
Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts