I know many of you enjoy making toys in your shops. If that sounds like you then this book by Kurtis Foote might be for you. Kurtis sent me a review copy of his book today. It has patterns for a tractor, combine, skid loader and a disk to pull behind the tractor. I'll have to admit that I'm a city boy. I've never lived more than 5 miles from a K-mart in my whole life. The last time I was on a farm I tried to milk a bull. He was really mad.
The book is about 40 pages. I believe Kurtis has self published this book and he has done a very nice job. Kurtis spends the first 3 pages talking about what you will need to complete the projects in the book. It's basic info but all you will likely need.
Kurtis jumps right into the meat of the book next. The project section is easy to understand. He starts out with a list of materials followed by build instructions. The actual patterns follow next. The instructions are easy to follow and detailed enough to get you right into the assembly.
The patterns are printed black line. All holes to be drilled are center marked with an x. All the measurements are clearly displayed including the drill bit sizes.
The pattern lines are a little thick but the pieces are very basic so I don't think this will cause most of you a problem.
This book is available on Amazon for $14.99. If you enjoy building toys and you have never tried to milk a bull then jump over to this link and pick up a copy. Wooden Farm Toys.
Monday, July 30, 2012
How to Make Wooden Farm Toys: Scroll Saw Patterns and Plans by Kurtis Foote
Posted by Steve Good at 10:38:00 PM
Major new feature to the Stencil Printer v1.4 program.

Download Below
This feature should add a great deal more flexibility to this program. In the past my programs used only a select few hand created fonts for this type of name plate. Now the sky is the limit to the different styles you can create. There are thousands of free fonts on the internet you can download and use.
There are still things that need added. Right now the base can only be solid black. Those of you who are changing the font color will need to use black for this new feature until I see if I can add more color options.
Soon I will be calling this program feature finished. When I do that I will make a video showing all the features and how to use them. It's pretty simple to figure out but instructions are always nice.
I have updated the "mychain.ttf' font and the new version will be installed with this update. There was a problem with the font only accepting lowercase. Now it will work with upper case and lower case. I will be showing more of this feature in the final video.
As always please report any bugs so I can try to swat them. I'm still considering a few more features but I thinks it's close to finished. I'll be happy to get suggestions but no guarantees they will get added at this point.
The video is best viewed in HD and Full Screen. Use the controls at the bottom of the player to adjust the video.
Just an additional note to those of you who have Custom Paper Dials on order. As usual I'm behind but I will work to get caught up tomorrow. Sorry for the delay but the demand has been pretty high. Thanks for you patience.

Posted by Steve Good at 1:31:00 AM
Friday, July 27, 2012
Art Deco Plate Scroll Saw Pattern
Posted by Steve Good at 11:30:00 PM
Teddy Bear Plaques
The Teddy Bear plaques in this pattern book are a little over 8 inches tall. A reader emailed me asking for something she could cut for her granddaughters bedroom. I have had these teddy bear graphics around for a while and this seemed like a good chance to use them. The graphics were released in a font with the license allowing free commercial use.
Posted by Steve Good at 12:03:00 AM
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Beware of Dog Sign
Beware of dog sign for your fence or front door.
I thought some of you might be interested in seeing and industrial scroll saw. This is the Win Pack HS-1400/1600 Precision scroll saw. Win Pack Machinery is a company in Taiwan that produces industrial equipment. The video below shows the machine in use and you can get a better idea of the size. The machine has some interesting features. Notice the stabilizer for the blade. Built in dust collector on the hold down foot. Automatic blade feeding. Ready to use drill. Pretty neat stuff.

Posted by Steve Good at 1:21:00 AM
Monday, July 23, 2012
Nobody Notices.
Feeling unappreciated? This sign should get the message across.
Posted by Steve Good at 11:59:00 PM
Scrollsaw Workshop Stencil Printer Update

1. Added save to .PDF
2. Changed the text input for more control with multi-line.
3. Added checking of existing files when saving to .BMP or .PDF
4. Added more control to text positioning.
5. Solved the disappearing text bug. Some fonts wont display as outline. Just turn outline off if the text disappears.
6. The text now defaults to top/left alignment. I did this because it gave much better control of text positioning. Just use the slider to adjust the position to center if that's what you want.
7. Fixed several annoying bugs. Probably added a few.
Many of you guys are sending great feedback and that's why I put it out when I know it's not finished. Any feedback is welcome and helpful. Some of it I can make happen and some I probably won't be able to add but I still want to hear it.
There is no need to uninstall the old version. Just run this new installer and the files will be overwritten.

Posted by Steve Good at 1:09:00 AM
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Swear Jar Stick
Turn any mason jar into a money maker. Hopefully you won't make too much money in your house. Ladies make sure you have this on hand any time hubby uses a hammer. Hammer plus swear jar = profit
Posted by Steve Good at 2:51:00 AM
Friday, July 20, 2012
Welcome to my Workshop.
This Scroller's welcome sign is 8 X 9.25. There is a version for men and women. I always get in trouble for forgetting the women. Not this time. The only real challenge her is that the letters are all cut individually and applied to the sign.
Posted by Steve Good at 1:30:00 AM
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
8 X 10 Roaring Lion Scroll Saw Pattern.
This roaring lion pattern is 8" X 10". The image in this pattern was designed by vectorportal.com. They release it under Creative Commons License with attribution. I thought it would make a cool scroll saw pattern.
My email is running over with all the comments and suggestions about the Scrollsaw Workshop Stencil Printer program. The suggestions and bug reports are more helpful than you can imagine. I won't get a chance to reply to all of them but let me assure you I have read them all. Some of the suggestions have already been added and some are too difficult for my programming skill level. IF you had a great idea that does not get into the program it's probably because I can't figure out how to get it working.
Several people have asked what programming language I use. For those interested I use an object oriented pascal editor/compiler named Delphi. I use an older version but it is comfortable for me and the upgrade is expensive. I have programed in this language for several years but I'm still learning.
I took a break form the program for today. Sometimes giving it a rest helps you see things better when you get back to it.
Posted by Steve Good at 11:39:00 PM
Several updates to the Stencil Printer program. Video Update.

You can now download the latest updates to the Scrollsaw Workshop Stencil Printer program. Many of you emailed me with suggestions and comments about the program and I was able to use many of your ideas. Thank you for the help.
Remember that this program is still only a few days old. There are still bugs. The program is functional and I don't think there are any bugs that will stop you from using it. The reason I go ahead and release it is because many of you help me make it better and find the bugs.
Take a look at the video at the end of this post to see some of the new features. In the mean time download and run the install. The new install will overwrite the existing program so there is no need to uninstall the last one. The name of the new install is StencilPrintersetup2.zip
1. Updated ruler system.
2 Multi-line text.
3 Outline or solid text.
4 Text kerning.
5 Updated reset settings
6 Some bugs smashed some bugs probably added.

Posted by Steve Good at 12:09:00 AM
Monday, July 16, 2012
New Pattern Printer Program BETA
Caution. this program is in early development. There are very likely bugs to be worked out. I am releasing this tonight because I need feedback form you all to let me know where the issues are.
The program allows you to make desk name plate patterns, key chain patterns and more. My intention is to develop this program to be able to replace my other programs with more features and easier to use.
If you plan to provide feedback about this program it is very important that you watch the demonstration video in this post. There are no instructions although it is pretty obvious how it works. Beat up on it and send me email if you have bug reports, suggestion or comments. If you do send feedback please be specific with details.
If you just want to download and use the program that's fine also.

Posted by Steve Good at 2:17:00 AM
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Beautiful set of patterns from Sue Mey.
Sue Mey sent me an email to show me a new set of Christmas themed patterns she is just releasing. They are not even on her site yet but she is making them available early for her followers. It's never too early to start making Christmas gifts.
The links below each picture will put that individual pattern in her shopping cart. You will have to click each link to add more than one pattern to the cart. She has a special offer to buy all eight. See her note below.
Make sure to visit her website for other fantastic patterns. Scrollsawartist.com
Here is a note from Sue.
Here is a range of stand-up words for Christmas. The ‘O’ or ‘C’ in each word has a Nativity- or religious theme incorporated, with a snowman in the ‘O’ of Snow. Each has a base pattern included for the upright to be mounted on. The base can be given a decorative edge with a router and bit of choice.
I am offering a 25% discount if you should purchase the set of eight patterns. To make use of the offer, only place the first six product codes in the cart, state SPE9/7 in the comments line, and I will email you the last two patterns below free of charge.
https://secure.bmtmicro.com/CH278 'Noel' on base - Upright 11" x 8", Base 12.8" x 3.2" $5.95





Posted by Steve Good at 2:58:00 AM
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Scroll saw compound cut clamp.
I had an email today from a friend in Ohio. She needed a clamp for cutting compound cut scroll saw patterns. I had been planning to make another one for myself for a while so I made two. I took pictures of the construction to share with those of you who would like to try your hand a compound cut scroll saw patterns.
The pdf has limited instructions so I put together a slideshow video and talk you through the assembly.
A list of materials is included in the pdf. I purchased everything at Home Depot.
The last page of the pdf has a story stick to layout the holes to drill.
This clamp adds a feature I did not have on my older clamp. One of the bolts is adjustable in a slot. This gives you better clamping. The clamp accommodates a 5 1/4" blank of wood.
I'll design another compound cut pattern this week for those of you who have never seen the technique. I'll demonstrate the project in a video.

Posted by Steve Good at 2:24:00 AM
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Shop Apron Pegs.
Need someplace to hang your shop apron, dust mask or keys. Let this old fellow keep an eye on them for you. I used toy car axle pegs for the hangers. There are wooden buttons in the eyes and concealing the countersunk screws holding the piece to the wall.
Posted by Steve Good at 5:34:00 AM
Monday, July 9, 2012
Inspirational Plates with Stand.
This pattern book has three small inspirational plates to sit on a desk or book shelf. They are cut entirely from 1/4" thick wood. The plate is only 5 1/2 inches in diameter.

I want to remind everyone who subscribes to the email newsletter that every email is just a duplication of the daily blog post. I often get requests to resend an email. My newsletter is sent out by a service called Feedburner and I don't have the ability to resend the emails. Anytime you need to go back and find a pattern or video you can simply visit the blog. There is a search box at the top of the blog. The catalog of all the patterns is linked in the left hand column(1000+ free patterns). The video archive is also there(250+ videos).
The blog dates back to May 1st 2007. Every post is still there from the beginning of the Scroll Saw Workshop. Every page has the last 10 posts in the Daily Post Section. Once you get to the end of that section you can click the Older Posts link and continue back to the previous 10 posts. Be prepared though because there are currently 1640 posts on the blog.
There are also other things on the blog you might be interested in. I have a Community forum with scrollers from all over the world sharing tips and conversation. There are scroll saw programs for creating patterns. My Custom Paper Clock dials are also for sale and more.
If you ever go a few days and don't receive a newsletter check the blog and see if you have missed a post. It's likely you did because I post nearly every day. Check your spam folder in your email client. That's usually where they go missing.
I enjoy getting email but often get way behind and don't get a chance to answer all of them. Please forgive me when I don't answer.
I have two incredible volunteers that help tremendously. Russ manages the Community forum and single handily keeps it going. I could never keep up with the forum without his help. Thanks Russ. Frank maintains the free Pattern Catalog. Not only does he keep it updated, he built the entire thing for me. That was a big job and he did not stop until it was exactly what I wanted. Thanks Frank. I can't tell you guys how much I appreciate what you do.
If you normally just read the email newsletter please take a minute to visit the blog from time to time and see what may have been added. www.scrollsawworkshop.blogspot.com

Posted by Steve Good at 4:38:00 AM
Sunday, July 8, 2012
iWood Ipad adjustable stand update.
On the patten for the iWood iPad stand I used the Apple logo. I thought better of having that on the pattern because of trademark issues. If you plan to make this project I recommend you download this update to avoid being in violation of trademark if you sell the project.
Posted by Steve Good at 7:33:00 PM
iWood iPad adjustable stand.
The iPad is still one of the most popular consumer electronic devices of all time. There are accessories of every type imaginable. One of the more popular accessories are stands. This very simple adjustable stand is easy to cut and works quite well. It let's the iPad lay back for easy typing or stands upright for viewing videos. It will fit all three generations of the iPad. It does have the limitation of being landscape mode only but that is the mode I use the most when the iPad is sitting on my desk.
Posted by Steve Good at 4:15:00 AM
Heritage Wood Specialties. Scroll saw ready boards!
Heritage Wood Specialties is a nationally recognized supplier of superior quality hardwoods to fine woodworkers across the US and Canada. Novice hobbyists and experienced enthusiasts alike can enjoy the high quality woodworking materials and kits available from Heritage Wood Specialties. Great source for scroll saw ready boards.
Free Pattern Catalog. 1000's of free patterns.
Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw Book $12 Each
Watch the following video to see how easy these beautiful scroll saw vases
are to make.
Order the $3 pdf Catalog
Stencil Printer Instruction Video.
Scroll Saw Pattern Printer update 1.1

Scroll Saw Keychain Pattern Maker

Download the Oval Keychain Pattern Maker.

Philip Lowndes Noah's Arc Pattern Available. Watch the video below.

Think Safety
The Scrollsaw Workshop Blog is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Magazine formerly (Scroll Saw Workshop Magazine) or it's publisher Fox Chapel Publishing.
Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts