Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ronald Walters cuts plexiglass gears in this video tutorial.

Ronald Walters shows his technique for cutting plexiglass gears on the scroll saw. His techniques and suggestions can be applied to cutting any pattern from plexiglass. This is one area of scrolling where choosing the correct blade is critical. Thanks for a great tutorial Ronald.

As always the video is best viewed full screen and in HD

The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Toymakingplans Free Pattern.

John and Cynthia wanted to say thanks for all the support they received after the issues they had with their site. Below is and email they wanted me to pass on to my readers.

John and I can't thank you enough for your wonderful support these past few days! We received lots of wonderful emails from customers expressing their support. The good news is we've successfully moved our domain name from to our new website and everything is working great.

John and I wanted to show our deep appreciation for you and your subscribers by offering a new free scroll saw plan set on our website. We originally were going to launch this plan set as a purchased plan set but we felt that by giving it away for free we could best express our deepest thanks and appreciation to the scroll saw and woodworking community, and to you Steve. THANK YOU!
The free PDF plan set is 12 Scroll Saw Christmas Wood Toy Ornaments. The plan set is available to anyone who signs up for our email list. The free PDF toy plan is for those who are new to our list and also for those who are currently subscribed - they too can sign up again! After you sign up you're automatically sent an email with a link to the free PDF toy plan.
The sign-up form is on our homepage near the top of the webpage. The free PDF plan set also includes printable box labels that can be personalized with the toymaker's signature and adhered to the box with spray adhesive. We include an online source for low cost boxes. Many of our customers like to build toys for gifts or to sell at craft shows and the box and label really professionalize the presentation. Remember all plan sets are royalty free. You can build as many as you like to sell or give as gifts. It is not required and not  recommended to include credit to on your labeling or anywhere on the toys. This policy is to allow the greatest creative freedom possible for the toymaker.

Visit to sign up for this free offer.

The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Nick Nack Clock Scroll Saw Pattern.

This Nick Nack Clock requires a 2 3/4" clock insert that fits into a 2 3/8" mounting hole. I purchased my clock insert at You should also be able to use any insert that requires a 2 3/8" mounting diameter. This clock insert at should work fine.

The bottom shelf is big enough for a small nick nack. One of the new electric candles looks nice. Don't use a real candle on the shelf.

The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Beautiful Christmas wreath patterns from Sue Mey.

Check out this special offer of Christmas wreath patterns from Sue Mey. I always enjoy posting these specials from Sue. Her creative talent always shows in her patterns.. Make sure you read her instructions below for the special offer.

From Sue:

These Christmas wreaths can be hung on the outside of your front door if finished with outdoor varnish. Alternatively hang them in the house – in front of a window, in an archway, or on the wall. The wreaths can be cut directly in 1/2” to 1” (12mm to 25mm) hardwood. If preferred, use 1/8” to 1/4” (3mm to 6mm) MDF, hardwood or ply and attach the piece to a painted or contrasting color backing. The instructions for this procedure is included in each pattern file. The patterns are reasonably-priced at only $5.00 each and I am also offering the last two patterns below free of charge if you should purchase the first eight – this is equal to a 20% discount. To make use of the offer, only place the first eight product codes in the cart, state SPE15/11 in the comments line, and I will email you the link to download the two extra patterns at no charge.

  CH297 Tree wreath 9.9" diameter $5.00
CH298 Birdhouse wreath 9.8" diameter $5.00
CH299 Holly wreath 9.8" diameter $5.00
CH300 Holly & candle cane wreath 9.8" diameter $5.00
CH301 Star wreath 9.8" diameter $5.00
 CH302 Bauble wreath 9.8" diameter $5.00
CH303 Snowflake wreath #1 9.8" diameter $5.00
CH304 Sheep wreath 9.8" diameter $5.00
CH305 Candle wreath 9.8" diameter $5.00
CH306 Snowflake wreath #2 9.8" diameter $5.00

Friday, October 26, 2012 is now

One of my favorite web sites and two of my favorite people are needing our help. John and Cynthia design the most incredible wooden toys. I have featured their work many times here on the blog.

 I received an email from a reader today that their site was down. I knew from looking at the page that came up it was no ordinary server outage. Boy was I right. Tonight I received an email from them explaining what happened. Below is the story.

If you would please help spread the word to your woodworking clubs and fellow scrollers it would be greatly appreciated. It's hard to put into words how devastating it is to work so hard to build a brand only to have it stolen. Cynthia and John my prayers are with you and I will do what I can to help spread the word. Hang in there.

From John and Cynthia Lewman is now

Please update your bookmarks to

We wanted to let you know that our website was hijacked this morning. Internet pirates have taken over our domain name. You can visit to see their site. It is a name harvesting site so beware of clicking on any of the links. We have been working with lawyers all day to try to get the domain name back but it isn’t going to be possible without lawsuits, thousands of dollars and a trial.

The good news is that we have already uploaded our new website with the new domain name Your previous orders placed on and all new orders are 100% safe because all personal and credit card information is processed completely through PayPal and is not affected in any way. We will be checking all of the links on the our new website for a few days so you might find that some links are not working. Please phone us if you have problems with the new site.

If you have our toymakerpress email address in your contacts you'll want to change the email address to,,

We have a lot of great new product to launch in time for the Holidays. Stay tuned! When you receive our next promotion it will be coming from

If you have any questions at all please email us at or call as at 1-888-962-4714 or 1-913-962-4714.

John and Cynthia Lewman

The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation


I am working as quickly as possible to get the custom Christmas ornaments out. I am just slightly behind my two week deadline. I still have a few from the 11th to complete. I'll get back on schedule in the next couple of days. I plan to spend the weekend working on them. Thanks for all the orders and your patience.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Nativity Scroll Saw Pattern. Repost of an older pattern.

I get requests for this older pattern every year so I'm posting it again. This Nativity scene is easy to cut and it makes a very nice gift. You can easily finish the project in an afternoon.

One nice touch is to cut the figures from different species of wood to add variety. Another idea is to add an led light to the star.
The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Entwined dragon scroll saw pattern.

A update on the custom Christmas ornament patterns. I have finished all orders submitted October 10th and earlier. If you submitted your order before that date and have not received the patterns please check your junk mail folder.

There is still plenty of time to place your order. $1 per pattern with a 5 pattern minimum. You can have the pattern with the date or without.

Order Form

The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation

Monday, October 22, 2012

Santa's Reindeer Ornaments.

Santa's  reindeer Christmas ornaments.

The new online stencil printer program is now available. Many of you have ask to be able to print more than one pattern per page. The new version adds that feature. The controls are not labeled yet but they are easy to figure out. I'll be adding a link to a tutorial for the program but like I said it's easy to figure out. This online program lets you design key chain fobs and desk name plates. Because it is online it is available to Mac users unlike my desktop programs. The program outputs pdf files to save and print. Give it a try at this link. Stencil Pattern Printer. 
The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sihlouette Scroll Saw Pattern.

This silhouette pattern looks nice just painted black.
The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Vote Scroll Saw Pattern.

There are 20 days left until the 2012 Presidential election in the United States. If you vote democrat or republican these small knickknacks will show your choice. You can cut these from small scraps left over from other projects.

Here is my favorite political quote:

Politicians and diapers should be changed frequently and all for the same reason.  ~José Maria de Eça de Queiroz, translated from Portuguese
The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation

Sunday, October 14, 2012

This plate was designed in two sizes. There is a six inch and an eight inch pattern. I also included an easy to make stand to hold the plate.

Personalized gifts are the best. Make these personal Christmas Ornaments for family and friends. Everyone will love the beautiful and thoughtful gift.
You will receive your ornaments in .pdf format. Please allow up to two weeks for email delivery. You will only be billed when you receive the patterns and are completely satisfied. 5 ornament minimum.
Order Form
The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation

Presentation box for my Custom Name Christmas Ornaments.

This pattern is designed especially for those of you who have ordered my custom Christmas ornament patterns this year. It is a presentation box that will hold one of the ornaments. If you have a special person you want to make an ornament for this box will make the gift even more special. The pattern for the ornament is not included with this box.

It would be easy to modify the height of the box to hold more than one ornament.

I'm working very hard to get the orders for the ornaments out as quickly as possible. I still think I can keep my two week turn around for orders. I'm actually a bit ahead of that right now. 

If you would like to place an order for your own set of custom ornaments you can find the order form and details on the blog.

The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Halloween Asylum for the Insane Scroll Saw Pattern.

The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Country Music Clock Pattern.

Patty and I returned from the Grand Ole Opry yesterday evening. We had a great time. The hotel was beautiful and the show was outstanding. We toured the backstage of the Opry and we were onstage when the curtain went up. In the picture below I was on stage while Pam Tillis opened the concert. When I saw the thousands of people I was ready to get off stage and head to our seats. One of my favorite country singers, Deana Carter was back stage in the green room while we were there. That was pretty cool. We toured all the dressing rooms and saw the artists getting ready to go on stage.

I decided I would use the inspiration from our trip to design a country music clock. The specs for the clock insert and a link to buy one is included in the pattern.
I will be working on the custom Christmas ornaments hard the next couple of days. I have had way more than expected numbers of orders so please be patient with me. Thanks for all the orders.

The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation

Error Message.

Many of you are reporting that you still get the error message that the site is suspended when you go to the online catalog. You are seeing a cached page in your browser. The site has been back up for a couple days. Simply refresh the page when you see the message and it will display correctly.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

New order form for Custom Nmae ornaments.

After the server went down the other day I lost the order form for the Christmas name ornaments. I have a new form up. All the orders were saved so no need to resubmit. I used a different form generator this time that offers better features. The old form program is what caused the server problem the other day.

I want to thank all of you who submitted orders. I have a few hundred to make so some will take a few days to get finished. I'll try to keep you posted on my progress. 
The Ornament Patterns are $5 for 5 name minimum. Each additional name is $1 per name. You can order the ornaments with or without the date, pictured above. You will only pay when you receive the pattern and are satisfied. I will send a link with the pattern to make payment through Paypal. You do not need a Paypal account to pay with a credit card. The online payment is processed through a secure network. You can also send payment by US mail. Cash, check or money order accepted.

Order Form

Monday, October 8, 2012

Hectic morning, great evening.

When i woke up this morning i was excited to get on my way to Nashville TN. Patty and I were going to spend a couple of relaxing days at the Opry Land hotel and take in the Grand Ole Opry show tomorrow night. At least the plan was to leave early. It's about a four drive for us. I decided to check my email one time before we hit the road. As soon as i opened Gmail I knew there was trouble. two or three hundred emails since last night. It didn't take long to figure out that the server was down. Site Suspended!!

I've been down this road before and it's usually a bumpy road. To make a very long story short I called support and we got the server back up. Able to breath again I jumped in the truck and headed south to Nashville. The picture below is the view out out hotel 5th floor balcony.

Everything should be restored at this point except the order form for the Custom Christmas name ornaments. I still have all the order that were placed but you can order new ones at this point. I'll post more later.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Server Down.

Sorry for the problems with the site today. We are working to get it restored. The pattern catalog, Community forum and some other features will not be available until the problem is resolved.

Pray for a Cure Scroll Saw Plaque.

This breast cancer "Pray for a Cure" plaque is nine inches tall and 6 inches wide.

October is breast cancer awareness month. There are nearly 3 million breast cancer survivors in the US.  Both women and men with the disease are living longer, healthier lives thanks to medical advancements.  These advancements are not enough though. We need a cure. 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Please support your local cancer societies in anyway possible. 

The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bigfoot Products special offer on the Press.N.Grip

David from Bigfoot Products ask if I would post this special offer. For a limited time when you purchase the Press.N.Grip he will include the Piano Player Plans for free. I reviewed the Press.N.Grip last week. It is a compound cut clamp. Jump over to Bigfoot Products for details.

Personalized Christmas Ornament Patterns.

It's time to start ordering your personalized ornament patterns.This year the pattern will be a bell with holly leaves. The name will be arched across the center of the bell. You will have the choice of having the pattern with the date or without.

I was able to cut the ornament in 20 minutes at a comfortable pace. Of course the more letters in the name the longer it will take to cut. I will email you the finished patterns in .pdf format. Please allow up to two weeks for me to complete the patterns. The ornament is approximately 4 inches wide and 5 inches tall.

Names longer than nine letters will have very small interior holes and may be difficult to cut.

The minimum order will be $5 for 5 names. Each additional name will be $1.
You will not pay for the pattern until you receive the order. You can pay by check, cash or Paypal.
I will provide the payment details with the order.

The order form will have room for up to 20 names. If you need more simply fill out more than one form.

Order Form

The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation

Friday, October 5, 2012

8 inch Santa Plate Scroll Saw Pattern.

I want to take a little of your time to talk about some changes I may have to make to the blog. First a little background. My blog is hosted by Google Blogger. Google handles the back end of things including sending out the Email Newsletter. I also use Google Adsense to generate revenue from ads placed on the blog and in the email newsletter. I know a lot of people hate the ads but they are what allows people like me to generate free content. Without the ads there would probably not be a Scrollsaw Workshop Blog.

The changes I am having to think about are to the Email Newsletter. Everyday when I write a blog post, Google wraps that post up into an email and sends it out to the 15,000 subscribers to my blog. While this takes place they also insert an ad into the email. These email newsletter ads produce a significant amount of the money I use to keep the blog running. I receive the money to run the blog from three different places. Google Ads, donations and the few things I sell on the blog. This has worked out well enough to pay for the upkeep of the blog and make me enough extra cash to keep me motivated.

Here is why I may have to make changes the the Email Newsletter. Google will discontinue placing ads in the email feed on December 3. They will continue to place ads on the Blog. If my readers only receive the Newsletter and never visit the blog all the revenue is gone. Without that ad revenue it will make it much tougher to keep the blog as active as it is now.

These are the changes I am thinking about at this point. They may change.

I can try to find other ad placement services to insert into the email Newsletter. That is the most likely.

I can make the newsletter only show the picture of the free pattern and have a link to the blog where you can visit and download the free pattern. This would drive traffic to the blog where the ads are.

I can do away with the Email Newsletter and hope that everyone enjoys the free patterns enough that they will visit the blog everyday and download the patterns from the daily content section. Remember the newsletter is just a copy of the daily blog post. This option is the last on my list because I know so many people prefer the Newsletter over visiting the blog. It's just easier for you.

I'm letting you all know about these possible changes so when you see them you won't be surprised. There is one thing that will not change. The daily patterns will always be free. I may have to ask that you do a little more than just open your email to access them but they will continue to be free.  

I want you all to know how much I appreciate the support you give to my blog. I will do everything in my power to keep the changes as minimal as possible.
The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Make A Donation

This is the end of the daily posts. Keep scrolling for lot's more scrolls saw fun!
Bear Woods has been around since 1987 serving our hobby. They offer a wide range of craft products including Pegas scroll saw blades, clock inserts, toy parts, workshop supplies and much more. In my ten years of writing the Scrollsaw Workshop blog I have never received a complaint about Bear Woods. I get thousands of email a month so that's saying something about their customer service and quality products. Please support the people who support our hobby. Click now and visit Bear Woods.

Heritage Wood Specialties. Scroll saw ready boards!

Heritage Wood Specialties is a nationally recognized supplier of superior quality hardwoods to fine woodworkers across the US and Canada. Novice hobbyists and experienced enthusiasts alike can enjoy the high quality woodworking materials and kits available from Heritage Wood Specialties. Great source for scroll saw ready boards.

Seyco began business in 1986 with the goal to supply the best customer support and quality products in the scroll saw industry. I have worked with Seyco on many occasions and I can tell you they are simply the best. Please do yourself a favor and click the image above. Steve Good

Free Pattern Catalog. 1000's of free patterns.

Thousands of FREE scroll saw patterns. No registration or signup required.

The projects form these patterns can be sold without restrictions. The patterns cannot be sold.

Click here for the Free Online Catalog.


Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw Book $12 Each
Each digital book is available for download immediately after payment.
The books are $12 per edition and contains eight unique patterns each.
Watch the following video to see how easy these beautiful scroll saw vases
are to make. 

Order the $3 pdf Catalog

This is a PDF of all the patterns in my free catalog. It is for Windows only and has a program to automatically download the pattern to your computer. Please watch the video below before you order. Click the picture to order.
You do not need a PayPal account to order. At the bottom of the PayPal page is a button that will allow you to pay with a credit card. After successful payment click the Return to Merchant button for the download.

Stencil Printer 1.7

Stencil Printer Instruction Video.

The Scrollsaw Workshop Stencil Printer 1.7 is my latest software for creating patterns. It will create key chain fobs, desk name plates and more. Click the image above to download the latest version. It is free to use donationware. This software is for Windows PC only.

Scroll Saw Pattern Printer update 1.1

Scroll Saw Pattern Printer update 1.1
Download the Free Scroll Saw Pattern Printer Version 1.1. Create name patterns in seconds. Windows PC only.
Download Version 1.1
Please consider a $5 donation for The Scroll Saw Pattern Printer v1.1.

Scroll Saw Keychain Pattern Maker

Use the Scroll Saw Keychain Maker to start a small keychain business. Build yourself a nice display and make up severl keychains with common names. Sell at craft shows, on Ebay or at work. Everyone needs a keychain. Take custom orders. Heck just make them and give them away as gifts. It's all made easy with the Scroll Saw Keychain Maker. Watch the video demonstration then download the file below and get started with the fun.
The following link will start the download process. After the file download is complete just click the setup file and the program will be installed. Please consider a $5 donation for the program.

Download the Oval Keychain Pattern Maker.

Enjoy designing and printing these great personalized key chains. Give them as gifts, make them for fun or sell them at craft shows. It's easy, just watch the video demo then download and install the program. You will be designing these fun projects in minutes. Windows PC only.
Download the Free Oval Key Chain Pattern Maker. Create Oval key chain patterns in seconds.
Download Version .9a
Please consider a $5 donation for The Oval Key Chain Pattern Maker.

Philip Lowndes Noah's Arc Pattern Available. Watch the video below.

This video is from Philip Lowndes. He is the designer of this beautiful Noah's Arc puzzle pattern. If you would like the pattern follow the link below.
Buy This Wonderful Heirloom Puzzle Pattern

Think Safety

Remember to keep the safety of yourself and others in your work shop in your thoughts at all times. Always wear eye and ear protection. Follow all the manufactures warnings that came with your power tools. If I demonstrate something on this web site that you don't feel is safe, don't do it. Your safety is your responsibility. Fingers are handy things, try to keep all of them.
The Scrollsaw Workshop Blog is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Magazine formerly (Scroll Saw Workshop Magazine) or it's publisher Fox Chapel Publishing.

Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts