Eight inch US flag plaque.
On July 4th, the United States of America will celebrate Independence Day. If you consider the signing of the Declaration of Independence as the birth of our nation we will turn 242 years young on that date.
I am a proud citizen of the United States. I stand, remove my hat and place my hand over my heart when the flag is presented. I love the freedoms we are given by our constitution. I respect the checks and ballances our founding fathers set up for our government. I am proud of the innovations and advances our scientists have produced. I am proud to be American.
I am also proud that we can stand up and protest when we believe something is wrong. Lots of people are saying that we are more divided as a nation now than ever in our history. BS, we are united in our right to disagree. Disagreement without hate is an effective tool for change. Hate is the enemy of change. Don't let hate slip into the conversation or we all lose. Every nation, state, community, and person can do better, want better and be better. Let's be better on this 242nd birthday of our nation.

Are we woodworkers?
Dictionary.com defines woodworking as follows.
1. The art of making things with wood.
I think that pretty much answers that question. Of course, scroll sawyers are woodworkers. This subject came up recently when I was speaking to a gentleman and the subject of tools came up. I ask him if he was a woodworker and he replied: "No I'm just a scroll sawyer.".
I don't think he actually wanted to diminish his craft. I think he was afraid that I was a "woodworker" and would somehow look down on him when I found out he was a scroller. He was setting up a buffer so he did not have to defend his craft.
Once I told him I was a scroll sawyer he let down his guard and we were able to talk without these stereotypes.
Is there a difference between the skill required to build an 18th century Queen Anne style Highboy replica and a toy wooden car? Yes. Now, if you give that toy wooden car to a child cancer patient in the hospital do you feel any less pride in what you have accomplished? Nope.
Be proud of your craft. Be the best at it that your skills allow. Take pride in your finished projects. Don't be afraid you share your projects with others. I have known scrollers who have never shown their projects to anyone other than their spouse. Is this you? :)
You will be surprised how wonderful of a feeling it is to have someone look at your project and say "Wow, that's beautiful". That feeling will get you back into the shop fast. It's worth the risk.
Woodworker Guild of America Blogger Awards:

They have me in the "Best furniture making blog" category. No, I have no idea how I got in that category but it's just nice to be mentioned.
If you would like to vote for me just click the link. You have until July 13th, 2018 to vote.

Email Newsletter Readers: Remember that the Newsletter is just a copy of the daily blog post. To see the post in it's proper formatting click this link. If you ever misplace a pattern or any item you see here you can always find it on the blog. Everything stays on the blog forever.
Scroll Saw Pattern Design Tutorial: DVD
Let me teach you to create a beautiful wooden portrait pattern. I will show you everything you need from start to finish. The video will show you the free software program you can download for Windows or Mac OS. I will show you how to install the program and configure it for best results.
Let me teach you to create a beautiful wooden portrait pattern. I will show you everything you need from start to finish. The video will show you the free software program you can download for Windows or Mac OS. I will show you how to install the program and configure it for best results.
Then I will show you the technique to take your photograph and make a pattern from it. When the pattern is complete we will go in the shop and cut it.
The DVD is $10 plus shipping. This is a data DVD that you will use on your computer to watch the video tutorial
Every Scrollsaw Workshop Pattern from 2007-2017 in DVD
Purchase the entire Scrollsaw Workshop pattern catalog for offline access.
This DVD has 2,300 patterns published from 2007 thru 2017.
The DVD is $20 plus shipping. Ships to 60 countries around the world.
The DVD is $20 plus shipping. Ships to 60 countries around the world.
If you use the DVD on a Windows PC there is a simple viewer program to browse through the patterns.
The DVD also works fine on a MAC. The viewer program is not MAC compatible but there is an included PDF with all the patterns shown as thumbnails for easy viewing.
My two "Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw" books make it easy.
The books are $12 each and available for instant download after purchase. Click for Video Demonstration.
My Sponsors:
Support the businesses who support our community.
Home of Pegas scroll saw blades.

Delta Power Tools 40-694 20 In. Variable Speed Scroll Saw
At the date of this post, the current price is still reduced to $314.63.
I will keep you update until the price goes back up.
- Electronic variable speed can be adjusted from 400-1,750 SPM for a wide array of cutting applications
- Dual parallel link arm design reduces vibration reducing over and under cutting improving accuracy and quality
- Upper arm lifts and locks in the raised position during blade changes or while adjusting blade position for fret work
- Tool-free blade clamp allows for quick, easy blade changes in seconds. Bevels 0° - 45° left and right. Motor: 1.3 Amp