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Giant Lips and a hippie. I might be feeling nostalgic for the 1960's. I was just a few years too young in the 60s to be a hippie. My formative years were the 70's which may be even worse. Bell bottoms and platform shoes, oh my. The '60s had its own style like all decades. Phycodelic and wild would be words that come to mind. I was a preteen for most of the 60s but we had a cousin living with us who was pure hippie counterculture. The 1960s ended with Woodstock which was billed as 3 days of peace and music.
The giant lips pattern comes in two sizes. The small pattern fits on a single page and is about 10 wide,. The large pattern is 11.5" wide.
Next, we have a troll hippie. He is two layers of 1/4" thick wood. The troll hippie pattern is 9.75" tall.
Another new game was added to the Game project.
If you do not see the Asteroid button then hit Ctrl F5
It still needs some work but it plays well.
$12 per sheet of 12 coins plus $3.50 shipping
Inlay with a 1" Forstner Bit.
The perfect way to sign your work.
Giant Lips Pattern
Email Newsletter Readers: Remember that the Newsletter is just a copy of the daily blog post. To see the post in its proper formatting click this link. If you ever misplace a pattern or any item you see here you can always find it on the blog. Everything stays on the blog forever.
Over 4,300 Digital Pattern Books. Many with multiple patterns.
Every Scrollsaw Workshop Pattern from 2007-2023 on USB drive, or Instant Download. Over 4,300 Patterns!
Purchase the entire Scrollsaw Workshop pattern catalog for offline access.
You will never run out of fun patterns to cut.
Two delivery options.
After payment, you will receive an email with the download link. This is a large file. You should not attempt to download it on a tablet or smartphone. It is a compressed file that will need to be extracted to your hard drive. Basic computer skills are necessary to extract the file.
The USB drive contains all the Scrollsaw Workshop Patterns. The drive is $25 plus shipping and handling. Now with the new distributor the drive ships to the US and many other countries. The shipping can get expensive to some international locations so the Instant download option above is probably more desirable.
Unique Wooden Vases:
Want to create beautiful wooden vases on the scroll saw?
The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this Button. Your support is greatly appreciated.

My Sponsors:
Support the businesses that support our community.
Home of Pegas scroll saw blades.
Seyco features the Seyco ST-21 scroll saw
Make sure you check out the Seyco Scrollers Drill
Second Pattern Today
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The Jazz Trio pattern is going to take a lot of work. It is over 11" long and has some small interior cuts.
If you are a jazz fan then I hope you like the pattern.
The Shorebird pattern is over 10" tall and cut from 1/4" and 1/2" thick wood. A reader asked me if I had any Shorebird patterns. I did not know what a Shorebir was so I looked it up. A Shorebird is simply any bird who spends time at the shore. Go figure. I don't know if this is what he was looking for but I liked it so here it is.
There are still a few hundred of you following my AI game project. Most of the games are pretty stable but there are still bugs I am working on. I am also trying to add new features in a few of the games.
You should reinitialize the page by pressing the ( ctrl F5) to see all the newest games.
Let me say again, that these games are simple for the most part. They are intended to help me learn the AI development tool so I can use it to add features to the blog. Some of these games use the computer as an opponent. I am adding some degree of intelligence to his play. Connect4, Dots and Boxes, and Pong are a decent challenge against the computer. Tic Tac Toe is as always, almost always a draw unless you make a mistake.
The new, Lander game is my new favorite. It is not that difficult but I find it fun. There are now 16 games and one coin flipper program on the menu. These were all created in about four days. The efficiency of the new AI-driven development tools is mind-blowing. All of them are written in HTML and Javascript. You are welcome to look at the code if you are a current app designer.

$12 per sheet of 12 coins plus $3.50 shipping
Inlay with a 1" Forstner Bit.
The perfect way to sign your work.
Jazz Trio Pattern
Email Newsletter Readers: Remember that the Newsletter is just a copy of the daily blog post. To see the post in its proper formatting click this link. If you ever misplace a pattern or any item you see here you can always find it on the blog. Everything stays on the blog forever.
Over 4,300 Digital Pattern Books. Many with multiple patterns.
Every Scrollsaw Workshop Pattern from 2007-2023 on USB drive, or Instant Download. Over 4,300 Patterns!
Purchase the entire Scrollsaw Workshop pattern catalog for offline access.
You will never run out of fun patterns to cut.
Two delivery options.
After payment, you will receive an email with the download link. This is a large file. You should not attempt to download it on a tablet or smartphone. It is a compressed file that will need to be extracted to your hard drive. Basic computer skills are necessary to extract the file.
The USB drive contains all the Scrollsaw Workshop Patterns. The drive is $25 plus shipping and handling. Now with the new distributor the drive ships to the US and many other countries. The shipping can get expensive to some international locations so the Instant download option above is probably more desirable.
Unique Wooden Vases:
Want to create beautiful wooden vases on the scroll saw?
The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this Button. Your support is greatly appreciated.

My Sponsors:
Support the businesses that support our community.
Home of Pegas scroll saw blades.
Seyco features the Seyco ST-21 scroll saw
Make sure you check out the Seyco Scrollers Drill
Second Pattern Today
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The End of the Trail cowboy pattern is 10.25" long. There are 8 layers if you include the optional spacers between the four main layers. Each layer is 1/4" thick.
The Dod Did It, Cat sign is 8" wide and cut from 1/4" thick wood.
We have a new visitor on our back deck. There is a grey cat that appears to be a stray. I see him often down by the creek and roaming at night. My wife noticed him up on the second-story deck a week or so ago. She decided to feed the cat. The next day he left her a dead bird on the deck. She fed him again and another dead bird showed up. So now we have a cat my dog hates and two dead birds.😒
I sound like I am complaining but I did the same thing when we lived back in Kentucky. We had an across-the-street neighbor who had a cat that stayed outdoors, Even during bad weather the cat was outside. So I asked the neighbor if I could put the cat in my garage on a cold night and the cat and I became friends. He would come to my front door every night and wait for me to come out. After we moved, another neighbor called me to let me know the folks who bought our house were watching after the cat.
A few hundred of you visited my games page yesterday so I wanted to update you. I added three or four more games today. The Connect4 and Pong games are the most fun. The computer plays a competitive challenger.
The original goal was to learn the AI development tools but the games have been fun to create. I am learning quite a bit though. I was able to create thirteen games in three days with only a few hours of time invested. Without AI those would have taken weeks if not months. Look. I'll probably add a few more so make a bookmark if you are interested in this project.
$12 per sheet of 12 coins plus $3.50 shipping
Inlay with a 1" Forstner Bit.
The perfect way to sign your work.
The Dog Did It Pattern
Email Newsletter Readers: Remember that the Newsletter is just a copy of the daily blog post. To see the post in its proper formatting click this link. If you ever misplace a pattern or any item you see here you can always find it on the blog. Everything stays on the blog forever.
Over 4,300 Digital Pattern Books. Many with multiple patterns.
Every Scrollsaw Workshop Pattern from 2007-2023 on USB drive, or Instant Download. Over 4,300 Patterns!
Purchase the entire Scrollsaw Workshop pattern catalog for offline access.
You will never run out of fun patterns to cut.
Two delivery options.
After payment, you will receive an email with the download link. This is a large file. You should not attempt to download it on a tablet or smartphone. It is a compressed file that will need to be extracted to your hard drive. Basic computer skills are necessary to extract the file.
The USB drive contains all the Scrollsaw Workshop Patterns. The drive is $25 plus shipping and handling. Now with the new distributor the drive ships to the US and many other countries. The shipping can get expensive to some international locations so the Instant download option above is probably more desirable.
Unique Wooden Vases:
Want to create beautiful wooden vases on the scroll saw?
The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this Button. Your support is greatly appreciated.

My Sponsors:
Support the businesses that support our community.
Home of Pegas scroll saw blades.
Seyco features the Seyco ST-21 scroll saw
Make sure you check out the Seyco Scrollers Drill
This is the end of the daily posts. Keep scrolling for lot's more scrolls saw fun!
The Scrollsaw Workshop Stencil Printer 1.7 is my latest software for creating patterns. It will create key chain fobs, desk name plates and more. Click the image above to download the latest version. It is free to use donationware. This software is for Windows PC only.
Think Safety
Remember to keep the safety of yourself and others in your work shop in your thoughts at all times. Always wear eye and ear protection. Follow all the manufactures warnings that came with your power tools. If I demonstrate something on this web site that you don't feel is safe, don't do it. Your safety is your responsibility. Fingers are handy things, try to keep all of them.
The Scrollsaw Workshop Blog is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Magazine formerly (Scroll Saw Workshop Magazine) or it's publisher Fox Chapel Publishing.
Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts