I went into the shop tonight and put together this adjustable desk book shelf. The project is made entirely from 3/4" red oak. The project took about 3 hours from start to finish and I was videoing as I went so you can probably finish quicker.
The pattern book includes a few different patterns for the end pieces.
Just another reminder about the live video stream of the Coyote Stencil Shop giveaway Saturday night here at the Scrollsaw Workshop. The video will start at 8pm Eastern Time U.S.. Go to the bottom of the main page of the blog and click the live stream link.
Below is a three part video detailing the construction and some tips. If you are reading this in the email newsletter and you don't see the video they can be watched on my blog or at http://www.youtube.com/user/sdgood.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

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