I wanted to post some of the pictures I have received lately. Keep the pictures coming.
The first picture is from Tony. This is a pattern I posted a few weeks ago. Thanks Tony. Nice job.The next six are from Stan. Stan lives in China and recently purchased a new DeWalt scroll saw. Looks like you are staying busy Stan. Keep it up.
The hand saws are from Mike. The saw patterns have always been a popular download. Thanks Mike
This trophy cutting is from Mike. Someone is #1. Thanks Mike
This portrait cutting is from John. John has been a good friend of the Scrollsaw Workshop for a long time. His cuttings just keep getting better and better. Beautiful work John.
The next three are from JD. He cut these for his son who is an eagle scout. I know your son will love them JD.
This beautiful piece of work is from Erik. All I can say is wow. Erik you should be very proud of this.
Last but not least is this very funny intarsia work from Bob. Bob lives in Australia where he continuously produces great works of art. Bob, you are da man.
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