This solid linked chain saw is a great gag gift and not too difficult to make. The chain is a compound cut pattern. About 95 percent of the cuts are completed on the scroll saw. You will need a sharp Exacto knife to separate the links.
I cannot take credit for the idea. I have seen this project a few places and always wanted to try my hand at the pattern. I set down tonight and came up with the pattern and cut the prototype in the picture above. The final pattern has seven links instead of just four. The one above looks too short.
I put together a two part video that shows the technique for cutting the chain. Take a few minutes to watch the demonstration and you will see that it is not that tough to cut.
One key to the finished project is to do a good job sanding. You want the links smooth and as even as you can get them.
If you are reading this post in the email newsletter you may not be able to see the videos. Please visit my blog and watch them there.
Part One:
Part Two:

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