Saturday, August 31, 2013
All I am, I owe to my mother.

Posted by Steve Good at 4:53:00 AM
Friday, August 30, 2013
Free Halloween sample pattern from Sheila Landry.
Look I'm just going to tell it like it is. There are a very small handful of scroll saw pattern designers in the world. Of those maybe three or four produce 70 percent of the really nice patterns out there. Sheila Landry, Sue Mey and Dirk Boelman are at the top of that list in my opinion. Without these folks using their talent to design scroll saw patterns the hobby would get very boring very fast.
I know not everyone has the funds available to buy patterns. That's why I do what I do. If you do have some discretionary money then please support these very talented designers and buy from them. Even a single $5 pattern purchase helps them keep designing.
If you spend even a few minutes at Sheila Landry Designs you will find a pattern you will love cutting. I know this sounds like an advertisement but I don't take a penny from Sheila. I do this because if you buy from her the hobby benefits. You will be happy with your purchase because she only sells great patterns. Go take a look. Support the hobby of scrolling.

Posted by Steve Good at 12:19:00 AM
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
10 X 8 Horse Scene Scroll Saw Pattern.

Posted by Steve Good at 12:01:00 AM
Sunday, August 25, 2013
18 inch hunting knife scroll saw pattern.

Click the image to order the first five years of Scrollsaw Workshop Patterns on DVD. The price is $20 plus shipping. There are hundreds of patterns included on the DVD. This DVD is perfect for woodworking and scroll saw clubs.k Clic this link to see a catalog of all the patterns included on the DVD. This is a large file so be prepared to wait if you have a slower connection.
Posted by Steve Good at 2:39:00 AM
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Nature Welcome Sign Scroll Saw Pattern.
Posted by Steve Good at 11:00:00 PM
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Morning Prayer Scroll Saw Pattern.
Important Message:
Yesterday I posted a youtube video showing the construction of a rubber band gun. I thought the guy had done a nice job with the pattern so I told where he had the pattern hosted. Unfortunately the host he used for the pattern is a little sleezy. They have ads on the page that will sometimes show adult oriented crap. Some of the ads also look like download buttons to try and confuse you into clicking them. If I had noticed these ads I would not have posted the videos at all. I did download the pattern and scan it before I posted the videos. The pdf is clean. You just have to make sure you click the correct download button.
I'm going to remove yesterdays post just to be on the safe side.If you still decide to download the pattern make sure you click the correct download button. It's the one under the file name.

Posted by Steve Good at 10:01:00 PM
Monday, August 19, 2013
Celtic Trivet Scroll Saw Patterns.

Posted by Steve Good at 11:30:00 PM
Beautiful Wreath Patterns from Sue Mey.
Scroll down and take a look at the Celtic cross patterns. I think those are outstanding.
Advent is a season observed in many Western Christian churches as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. The term is an anglicized version of the Latin word "adventus", meaning "coming." It is the beginning of the Western liturgical year and commences on Advent Sunday. At least in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Moravian, Presbyterian and Methodist calendars, Advent starts on the fourth Sunday before December 25, which is the Sunday between November 27 and December 3 inclusive.
The Advent wreath, or Advent crown, is a Christian tradition that symbolizes the passage of the four weeks of Advent in the liturgical calendar of the Western church. The Advent Wreath is traditionally a Lutheran practice, but it has spread to many other Christian denominations. It is usually a horizontal wreath with four candles and often, a fifth, white candle in the center. Beginning with the First Sunday of Advent, the lighting of a candle can be accompanied by a Bible reading and prayers. An additional candle is lit during each subsequent week until, by the last Sunday before Christmas, all four candles are lit. Many Advent wreaths include a fifth, ‘Christ candle’ which is lit at Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. The custom is observed both in family settings and at public church services (source: Wikipedia). Detail of different colors used for the candles in the various church denominations is described in each pattern file. Wooden candle cups or decorative votive holders are used for the candles. Complete instructions are included.
Special Offer: For every four advent wreath patterns purchased, type the details of any $5.00 pattern from my website in the 'comments' section of the order form and it will be sent to your email inbox at no charge. Offer valid until Monday August 19th.
NW392 Rejoice advent wreath 9.8" diameter $5.00
NW393 Words advent wreath Two versions: 7.9" diameter and 11" diameter $5.00
NW394 Celtic cross advent wreath Two versions 7.6" diameter $5.00
NW395 Poinsettia advent wreath 8" diameter $5.00
NW396 Decorative advent wreath 9.5" diameter $5.00
NW397 Leaf cross advent wreath 10.4" diameter $5.00
NW398 Fleur de lis cross advent wreath 12" diameter $5.00
NW399 Dainty cross advent wreath Two versions 8.7" diameter $5.00
NW400 Swirly cross advent wreath 9.9" diameter $5.00
NW401 Jerusalem cross advent wreath 9.5" diameter $5.00
Visit the Special Offers category for pattern sets at reduced prices and a great deal on seven digital books: 40 Christian crosses, 44 Christmas projects, 40 Boxes, 46 Angel-themed projects, 50 Signs & Plaques, 50 Clocks and 40 Love & friends patterns.
Patterns purchased from my website are conveniently delivered as downloads to your computer for immediate printing and use. All patterns are available in vector format on request.
Posted by Steve Good at 12:14:00 AM
Sunday, August 18, 2013
And the winner is........
Thanks for all the entries. I will be posting more pictures of the entries in future posts.
Posted by Steve Good at 2:29:00 AM
Book end scroll saw patterns.

Posted by Steve Good at 12:42:00 AM
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Scrollsaw Workshop Store.
Posted by Steve Good at 6:12:00 PM
Friday, August 16, 2013
I'm a Jeep man, scroll saw pattern.

Posted by Steve Good at 12:20:00 AM
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Five layer wolf mini clock scene.
We have been crazy busy at work the last several days. I am way behind way behind on email again. My apologizes if I have not answered your email. I'm trying to get caught back up but it probably won't happen.
I posted the latest "George in the shop" cartoon on the blog this morning for those of you who have been following along. Thanks to all of you who have given me the kind feedback of the cartoons. It's something I have wanted to do for a long time but didn't have the courage. It's much harder than designing patterns.

Posted by Steve Good at 12:06:00 AM
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Happy on Two Wheels Scroll Saw Pattern.

Posted by Steve Good at 5:39:00 AM
Friday, August 9, 2013
3D Deer cutting demonstration. Plus a contest.
This is a repeat of a post from 2009. I like to show it every couple years because it is a simple and fast project. After just a little practice you can show off your scroll saw skills to friends. You cut these miniature compound cut deer freehand without a pattern.
It's fun to see how small and fast you can cut one. Rick Hutcheson does them in under 30 seconds and makes them very small. I have cut dozens of these and I still can't get anywhere close to 30 seconds. Rick is probably one of the fastest scroll sawyers in the world so I don't feel too bad.
FUN CONTEST: US residents only(Sorry to all my overseas readers. You can participate but you can't win a prize. It get complicated.)
I will set the winner up with a 2 year subscription to Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Magazine. That's a $40 value for 8 issues. I can also give an Amazon gift card of the same value if preferred.
Send me a good picture of your smallest 3D deer standing on a quarter. If the picture is poor quality it will be hard to judge so take it carefully. Use the technique in the video and make it as small as you can and still have all the detail.
I will judge by grading the size and quality of the cut. Small is not good if the deer is not fully formed. If I think there are more than one of equal size and grading I will let my wife decide the winner. No bribes under $1000 will be accepted.
You MUST send your entries to this email address. giveaway@stevedgood.com
Please include your first and last name in the email.
Deadline for entries is Aug 16th 2013. I will announce the winner that weekend.
Show me what you've got.

Posted by Steve Good at 12:49:00 AM
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Lets make a chalkboard.
It would be pretty easy to make personalized chalkboards for kids. Just use a stencil font and add a name to the top.

Posted by Steve Good at 11:40:00 PM
Warning Beware of Cat Scroll Saw Pattern.

I was browsing Youtube tonight and ran across this video. If you own a band saw do yourself a favor and watch Alex Snodgrass of Carter Products set up a band saw correctly. He dispels several myths and shows how to expertly do the job. I was doing just about everything wrong. He taught me things I though I already knew. Don't miss this one.
No returns are accepted. No refunds. Defective DVDs will be replaced. Please watch the instruction videos to understand what you will receive.
PC Instructions Video:
Posted by Steve Good at 12:11:00 AM
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Warning. Beware of Dog Sign Scroll Saw Pattern.

Posted by Steve Good at 7:40:00 PM
Ornate Cross Scroll Saw Pattern.

Posted by Steve Good at 4:12:00 AM
Heritage Wood Specialties. Scroll saw ready boards!
Heritage Wood Specialties is a nationally recognized supplier of superior quality hardwoods to fine woodworkers across the US and Canada. Novice hobbyists and experienced enthusiasts alike can enjoy the high quality woodworking materials and kits available from Heritage Wood Specialties. Great source for scroll saw ready boards.
Free Pattern Catalog. 1000's of free patterns.
Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw Book $12 Each
Watch the following video to see how easy these beautiful scroll saw vases
are to make.
Order the $3 pdf Catalog
Stencil Printer Instruction Video.
Scroll Saw Pattern Printer update 1.1

Scroll Saw Keychain Pattern Maker

Download the Oval Keychain Pattern Maker.

Philip Lowndes Noah's Arc Pattern Available. Watch the video below.

Think Safety
The Scrollsaw Workshop Blog is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Magazine formerly (Scroll Saw Workshop Magazine) or it's publisher Fox Chapel Publishing.
Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts