This is a repeat of a post from 2009. I like to show it every couple years because it is a simple and fast project. After just a little practice you can show off your scroll saw skills to friends. You cut these miniature compound cut deer freehand without a pattern.
It's fun to see how small and fast you can cut one. Rick Hutcheson does them in under 30 seconds and makes them very small. I have cut dozens of these and I still can't get anywhere close to 30 seconds. Rick is probably one of the fastest scroll sawyers in the world so I don't feel too bad.
FUN CONTEST: US residents only(Sorry to all my overseas readers. You can participate but you can't win a prize. It get complicated.)
I will set the winner up with a 2 year subscription to Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Magazine. That's a $40 value for 8 issues. I can also give an Amazon gift card of the same value if preferred.
Send me a good picture of your smallest 3D deer standing on a quarter. If the picture is poor quality it will be hard to judge so take it carefully. Use the technique in the video and make it as small as you can and still have all the detail.
I will judge by grading the size and quality of the cut. Small is not good if the deer is not fully formed. If I think there are more than one of equal size and grading I will let my wife decide the winner. No bribes under $1000 will be accepted.
You MUST send your entries to this email address.
Please include your first and last name in the email.
Deadline for entries is Aug 16th 2013. I will announce the winner that weekend.
Show me what you've got.