The VA requires it's hospitals to provide timely care typically within 15 to 30 days. The vets were placed on a secret list. When they got to within the 15 day period they were removed from the secret list and placed on the actual list. In other words they cooked the books to keep the VA off their backs.
I'm sure we can't place all the blame on the medical center in question. These types of issues always have plenty of blame to pass around. What cooks my goose is that after repeated questioning from CNN the VA does not seem to have made concrete plans to investigate the problem and get it fixed.
I never completely trust these types of stories from any of the major network news stations. I absolutely hope they are hyping this story and it's not as bad as it sounds. They suggested that this type of thing is going on in other states as well.
Folks, we as a country have a moral responsibility to do what we can to help veterans in their time of need. Many of these men and women are dealing with illness and disability suffered while serving us. What does it say about our country if we don't even provide the basic medical needs of our veterans.
I know there are thousands of wonderful people working in VA hospitals that work every day to take care of our Vets. Those are not the people who are the problem. This is clearly a problem where either we are under funding the hospitals or they are not properly managing the money. It's probably both.
If you have the chance make your voice heard. Ask your Representative to investigate this problem and not let it get swept under the political rug.
Here is a link to the CNN story if you would like to know more.

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