It's time to attach the hinges to the lid. I settled on a decorative hinge that will be visible on top of the lid. I'll be installing three hinges. In the picture above I am using a crutch to hole the back of the lid in place. When I lower the lid to attach the hinges the lid will be parallel with the front.
I'm using a self centering drill bit to pre-drill the holes for the hinges. If you don't have one of these tools I consider it a must have for installing hinges.
It's usually best to use a screwdriver and not an electric drill to install the screws. It's too easy to strip out the MDF with the electric drill.
My wife and daughter jumped in and helped me paint the ornaments for the box. We went with brown for the name. The butterflies will be light purple and the flowers will be yellow.
I cut this board to help me line up the letters. In this picture I am just test fitting the name on the box.
I installed braces on both sides of the box to help support the lid in case the child sits on it. Only the hinges would be holding the back with out the braces. Notice that the braces stop short of the back. I did not want them to interfere with the opening of the lid. I made the braces a little larger because they will hold the safety latch for the lid.
I installed the handles on each end of the box. They are centered and 11.5" from the bottom. MDF is heavy so these handles are important to be able to move the box around.
I'm beginning to place the ornaments. I used a two part super glue. I tested it on scrap to make sure it would give me the permanent hold I needed. It's not going anywhere. The flower pots are installed on each end of the box.
You can see how I attached the safety friction hold to the brace. Yes the brace will be painted. I was just testing the fit here.
All the ornaments are glued in place. All I have to do now is paint the braces and I'm finished. I decided against casters and they can be installed later if needed.
I hope you enjoyed watching me put this Toy Box together. It will probably take a few days but I will put together a set of plans that you will be able to download if you wish to build your own. I will design a boys and girls version.

If you would like to have all the patterns in the Scrollsaw Workshop catalog you can buy the first six years DVD and the 2013 update DVD at this link. DVD #1 is $20 and contains over 1,100 patterns. The 2013 update DVD is $7.50 and has another 178 patterns.