Memorial day is the day that our nation remembers the men and women who gave their lives while serving in the United States Armed Forces. It's a day when we should all reflect on the cost of a free nation. What we have, however imperfect was paid for with the blood of our brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers. The cost of freedom is so high because it is the single most valuable thing we possess.
While you enjoy the picnics, parades or just a day off from work remember. Remember the wife who's husband never came home. Remember the baby who never got to meet her father. Remember the brothers and sisters who will spend the rest of their lives wishing their lost sibling could come home but never will. Remember the men and women who left their family to serve with honor and paid the ultimate price.
Although these are sad events you don't have to remember with sadness. Grieve their loss and remember their lives with the happiness they would want you to have. That's what they would want.
Have a happy Memorial day weekend. If you travel be safe.
Just a follow up to the giveaway I posted yesterday. There is still time to enter. If you missed the details just visit the blog and read yesterdays post. There were hundreds of entries today. Good luck to all of you.
I do want to point out again that if you did not follow the rules exactly you can not win. Many did not. Make sure you used the correct email address to enter. It was in the rules. Make sure you put the penny date in the email "subject field". Make sure you list which prize you want in the body of the email. It's okay to enter again if you made a mistake. I have deleted the illegal entries. If you want to can enter again as long as you don't enter more that once a day.
Hint: The date of the penny I am looking for is on a picture of an actual penny. It's not one of the penny patterns I have made in the past. You can find the penny on the first page of the blog. Don't make this hard. Just scroll down the page until you see it. There were several who had the wrong date.

If you would like to have all the patterns in the Scrollsaw Workshop catalog you can buy the first six years DVD and the 2013 update DVD at this link. DVD #1 is $20 and contains over 1,100 patterns. The 2013 update DVD is $7.50 and has another 178 patterns.