The patterns lines should be just as crisp and should print without any change. The title page is where most of the change is made. It has been compressed quite a bit. Some people ask why I include a title page at all. They complain that it causes them to use extra ink. First you should never have to print the title page. When you click print you have the option to just print the pages you need. Second it's my branding. Because I provide the patterns for free it's important to encourage people to visit my web page. Without people visiting my blog I would not have enough income to keep the site open.
The blog is where most of the donations happen. It's where the ads are and it's where I sell the few things I sell. I don't have to make a living from my blog but I do invest a lot of time and it's nice to make a little from it to pay for the wood and my time. As the patterns get passed around from readers to others my title page tells them where it came from. It does drive traffic to my blog.
I thought the least I could do was get the size of the title page as small as possible to help with those who do have slow or capped internet services. I hope this change makes the title page more acceptable.
Now I want to talk about this pattern. I have not cut it yet but I plan to. The body is 18 inches so it will be difficult to cut on a small saw. Using different species for the body, fret board and other parts is going to be pretty important to get a nice looking result. There are not many interior cuts so the project will go fast. The toughest part will be the Fender name on the headstock. You can just leave that off it it's too challenging for your skill level. All the small holes should just be drilled. There is no use cutting them with your saw. Just find a drill bit that matches and knock them all out at once.
If you want to wait for me to cut the pattern first I'm hoping to get that done tomorrow. I'm fairly sure there are no major issues but take a close look and I'll do the same as I make the project.

If you would like to have all the patterns in the Scrollsaw Workshop catalog you can buy the first six years DVD and the 2013 update DVD at this link. DVD #1 is $20 and contains over 1,100 patterns. The 2013 update DVD is $7.50 and has another 178 patterns.