Controlled and managed hunting can be very advantageous to our environment. In many areas the balance between predator and prey has been lost from the destruction of the their natural habitat. In those areas it is our responsibility to help manage that balance. Hunters play a vital roll in that management.
Our society is more detached from nature than any society in history. For our distant relatives hunters were a vital part of their existence. They were highly respected for their skill. Without these skilled hunters they were likely to have a very difficult time surviving. Today we have made life much easier. We can run to the grocery for our goods. That's fine but it does not mean we should let those skills disappear forever.
It's unfortunate that in some circles hunting has received a negative image. I support our hunters. I also support having regulations on the impact they have on our wilderness. Wildlife needs to be protected from destructive hunting practices. We only have so much wilderness left and it is one of the highest responsibilities we hold to protect it. Once it's gone it's gone. Every state has laws that govern hunting. I encourage you to support both the hunter and the enforcement of the laws.

It's time to order your Custom Christmas Ornaments. Ornament patterns are made for $1 each with a 5 ornament minimum. Fill out the form with all your family names, pet names and friends. I will produce your patterns and email them to you. You only pay after you receive and are happy with the order. I will send an invoice with the order. You will be able to pay securely online with your credit card or if you prefer you can pay by check through the mail. Just click the button below to start your order. If you are reading this in the email newsletter the button may not work. Just visit the blog and order from there.
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This book is only available in digital format. There will be a link on the final payment page that directs you to the download page. I will also send an automated email with the link to the download page.
If you would like to have all the patterns in the Scrollsaw Workshop catalog you can buy the first six years DVD and the 2013 update DVD at this link. DVD #1 is $20 and contains over 1,100 patterns. The 2013 update DVD is $7.50 and has another 178 patterns.