I know it's late in the season but I want to give these Custom Layered Christmas ornaments a try. If they go over well I will add them to the list for next year. The patterns are $1 per name with a 5 name Minimum. These orders will be limited because of the time left in the season. I'll probably stop taking orders when I can't get them finished by the 15th.
Click on the "Click to Order" button below to load the order form. Please carefully fill out the form and double check the spelling of the names. I will work double time to get these out as quickly as possible. I know there are not many days left so I will hurry. Right now I am totally caught up on orders so I will get started tomorrow on these. Order early for fastest shipment. As with all my custom ornaments the patterns will be delivered by email. You only pay once you have the patterns. I will send an invoice with the order. You can pay with your credit card securely through Paypal. You do not need a Paypal account to pay. You also have the option to send check or cash. All the details will be in the invoice.
Let me say that these are harder to cut than the single name ornaments patterns. Because you are going to be cutting these from 1/8" thick material they require a little more skill. I did make one design change on the ornament. I added a toy bag to Santa. It attaches the the outer ring and makes him more stable. You will be able to choose which version you like best. They are both included in the pattern.
If you want to try a test before you order then you can also download the test ornament below. It's a single layer but will give you confidence that you can complete these layered ornaments.
I recommend 1/8" thick Baltic Birch plywood for these ornaments. The plywood is very strong and will make them lass fragile. If you do choose to use hardwood then choose a tight grained wood like walnut or maple. Red Oak would be a very bad choice. You will need to treat these as fragile ornaments. The ones I have made have been handled quite a bit and have held up without breaking but like a glass ornament you would not want to throw them across the room. They will break.
This is the test ornament

If you would like to have all the patterns in the Scrollsaw Workshop catalog you can buy the first six years DVD and the 2013 update DVD at this link. DVD #1 is $20 and contains over 1,100 patterns. The 2013 update DVD is $7.50 and has another 178 patterns.