I carry an iPhone 6 plus with all the bells and whistles. As almost everyone on earth knows, Apple released their much anticipated Apple Watch recently. It's estimated that they sold 4 millions watches. The entry level watch sells for $349. If you add that up it's about $1.5 Billion.
I just could not bring myself to buy a watch again. I gave up watches years ago for a cell phone. As much as I wanted the newest geek fest it just was not going to happen.
That's when the magic struck. We have the technology to do it our self. From that instant of pure genius the apple Pocket Watch was born. This is going to cost just a few bucks, not hundreds like Apple gouges us for. I figure we can easily make them for under $20. If we can sell them for a 50% discount we can get $174.50 retail. We undercut apple and still make millions. It's a get rich quick scheme. I'm sure it will work. Just look at the features.
1. No charging every night. Just replace the battery a couple times a year and you are good to go.
2. Accurate time keeping with a beautiful and simple user interface. Nothing new to learn.
3. The operating system never needs updating. No constant rebooting or looking for settings that are hidden from any reasonable search.
4. Built in security chain. Attaches securely to your belt.
5. No annoying notifications interrupting your nap at work.
6. Beautiful wooden case.
7. No Chinese children working in sweat shops just to feed our lust for technology.
8. No stupid heart rate monitor telling us what we already know. We are couch potato 100+beats per minute old folks.
9. No pedometer bugging us to get in our 10,000 steps today.
10. Best of all it's made right here in the good ol' USA.
You are free to make and sell as many of these as you like. Just don't call me when Apples $500 an hour lawyers come calling. You might want to consider calling it the Lemon Watch or maybe the Tangerine Watch. Just a thought.
Sources for the chain are included with the pattern book. The clock insert is a standard 1 7/8" requiring 1 3/8" diameter hole. You will need a 1 3/8" forstner bit to drill the hold.

If you would like to have all the patterns in the Scrollsaw Workshop catalog you can buy the first six years DVD and the 2013 update DVD at this link. DVD #1 is $20 and contains over 1,100 patterns. The 2013 update DVD is $7.50 and has another 178 patterns.