The video below is for those who are following my experiences with the x-carve CNC machine.
Here is a picture of the project I carved on the x-carve tonight. It is my wooden penny scroll saw pattern modified for the x-carve.
One of my goals for the x-carve from Inventables is to try to make my patterns available to the CNC community. My first attempts at this will be to upload them to the Easel software on the Inventables site. Soon I will be doing a video tutorial on how to convert my patterns to other formats for different CNC machines.
One thing I am finding is just how versatile the scroll saw is. Some of the cuts we take for granite are very difficult on a CNC machine. Cutting a very intricate interior cut on a scroll saw is just a matter of selecting a small blade. You may have to be a bit more careful but the cut can be made.
I'm finding that milling very intricate cuts on the CNC to be problematic. If you need a very small bit the depth of cut is more limited than on a scroll saw. A 1/32" endmill bit is much more delicate than even the smallest scroll saw blade. Trying to mill through more than 1/4" in depth is something I have not been able to do yet.
In the video I have modified my wooden penny scroll saw pattern and carved it on my x-carve. I use a rough pass tool path with a 1/16" end mill then a detail pass tool path with the 1/32" end mill. There was a very small area that even the 1/32" end mill could not carve.
If you have an x-carve you can load the wooden penny file at this link.

Each digital book is available for download immediately after payment.
The books are $12 per edition and contains eight unique patterns each.
Click now and make a family heirloom this weekend.
Click now and make a family heirloom this weekend.
If you would like to have all the patterns in the Scrollsaw Workshop catalog you can buy the first six years DVD and the 2013 update DVD at this link. DVD #1 is $20 and contains over 1,100 patterns. The 2013 update DVD is $7.50 and has another 178 patterns. The 2014 update DVD is $7.50 and has another 223 patterns.