Important notice.
A few of the Custom Name Christmas ornament pattern orders went out with errors. They went out today. They have been fixed and resent with the subject line. "Pattern Correction". Please delete the original patterns and replace them with the new books. Sorry for the problem.
The video below will void your warranty. I want you to see it anyway because it is one of the most common questions about the DeWalt DW788 scroll saw I get. The video was recently posted by Trevor Carter. He does a nice job showing how he took the aggressiveness out of the cut on his saw. I have always been hesitant to show this procedure because it is a modifications that you can not completely remove. If you have a warranty or just are not handy with making these types of changes then don't do the modification. Continue at your own risk.
The DeWalt does have an aggressive action. The front to back movement of the blade is rather large. Some scrollers like this because they can cut faster with the machine. If you regularly cut very intricate fretwork it can present a problem. The mod that Trevor shows just slightly realigns the top and bottom blade clamps. The blade will have a more straight up and down movement.
A second word of caution is that this mod will also reduce the efficiency of the blade to remove saw dust from the kerf. This can cause friction heat build up and reduce blade life and increase the likelihood of scorched cuts.
I make it sound like a bad thing but there are situations where it is a useful mod. I have seen some type two DeWalts with so much front to back movement that they were almost unusable.
Just use your own discretion and watch the video if you own this machine. I think Trevor does a nice job showing the procedure.

Each digital book is available for download immediately after payment.
The books are $12 per edition and contains eight unique patterns each.
Click now and make a family heirloom this weekend.
Click now and make a family heirloom this weekend.
If you would like to have all the patterns in the Scrollsaw Workshop catalog you can buy the first six years DVD and the 2013 update DVD at this link. DVD #1 is $20 and contains over 1,100 patterns. The 2013 update DVD is $7.50 and has another 178 patterns. The 2014 update DVD is $7.50 and has another 223 patterns.