The Preamble to the United States Constitution. 8" X 10". The backer board is optional.
Seyco has given the scrolling community a nice Christmas present. Ray has introduced his Seyco branded Ultimate Scroll Sawing Experience. Availability will be sometime in February of 2017. It has the proven design of the link drive system. He has added a couple of interesting features like digital tilt readout and a fantastic looking large table plus more. The large table is something many scrollers have been looking for.
I know many will see the similarities with the Excalibur and the Jet scroll saw but this machine looks very well thought out. It is obvious that it was manufactured with input from someone who knows what scrollers want.
Having options is a great thing. This is another option for serious scroll saw users. Our hobby is better for the effort that Seyco has put in to make this happen. Thanks Ray.
Seyco has given the scrolling community a nice Christmas present. Ray has introduced his Seyco branded Ultimate Scroll Sawing Experience. Availability will be sometime in February of 2017. It has the proven design of the link drive system. He has added a couple of interesting features like digital tilt readout and a fantastic looking large table plus more. The large table is something many scrollers have been looking for.
I know many will see the similarities with the Excalibur and the Jet scroll saw but this machine looks very well thought out. It is obvious that it was manufactured with input from someone who knows what scrollers want.
Having options is a great thing. This is another option for serious scroll saw users. Our hobby is better for the effort that Seyco has put in to make this happen. Thanks Ray.
Click Image to Enlarge.

I was recently ask about the heat source in my workshop. It's that time of year again here is the U.S. We are seeing temps in the 20's Fahrenheit in my area. I have all the room in a two car garage for my workshop. The garage and garage door are insulated. The insulation helps keep the temp about 20 to 25 degrees warmer than the outside temp. That helps a lot. I still need extra help to get the shop up to working temperatures. I can work in temps down around 55 degrees F without too much discomfort but I prefer to get it closer to 65-68 degrees F.
I use the Dyna-glo kerosene heater and it works fantastic for me. I can start the heater on even the coldest day and get the shop comfortable in 20 minutes. I will generally run it on high until comfortable then turn it to low or off. I may have to adjust every hour if I'm spending lots of time in the shop. If I leave it on high for too long it gets the shop too hot.
I prefer kerosene over electric powered heaters. All my tools are 110v and some of them draw enough current that they will trip a breaker if an electric heater is running. This make kerosene perfect for my shop.
These heater have safety protection devices built in but I never leave it running unattended for more than a couple of minutes. A bathroom break at most.
I have never tracked my kerosene usage but last winter I bought a 10 gallon container and I don't think it is half empty yet. Keep in mind that I was still working last year so I was not in the shop as much as I am now.
The results you get are going to depend greatly on your shop and how much time you spend there. If the shop is not insulated then you are looking to just knock the edge of during sub-freezing nights. You may need more than this heater can produce. If you are in a small insulated shop this heater will run you out if you leave it on high.
I have had two of these heaters in the last 10 years. The only thing I don't like is replanting the wick. It is difficult and I cuss every time I have to replace it. Luckily I don't have to replace it very often. In my case that's about every two years if that often.
Here is my Amazon affiliate link to the heater. Your price stays the same and I get a few percent of the purchase price. I appreciate the support if you use this link to purchase. They also sell the Dyna-glo at Lowes if you don't like buying from Amazon.
11 days left to enter the December Bear Woods sponsored $75 gift certificate giveaway. You can enter every day for better chances of winning. Don't get left out. Enter now.

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