This small heart box can be used any day of the year but since tomorrow is Valentine's Day it seemed like a good choice for a pattern today. The heart is 6: wide so it will hold small trinkets, jewelry, or wrapped candy.
You will need 1/4" thick wood and 3/4" for the walls.
The second pattern today is a statue of an Abstract Angelfish. The statue is ~9.5" tall. It is cut from 1/2" thick and 3/4" thick wood. This is a project that calls for a nice hardwood.
High School Memories
Back when I was in high school in the 70's we had study hall in the morning. Of course, it was intended as a place to study and get your homework completed. Neither of those choices were on our top five lists so we played Paper Football. If you don't know of the game let me explain.
It is a very simple game. You fold a piece of paper into a triangle like in the image below. Two players sat at opposite ends of a desk. You would flick the paper football with you finger toward your opponent sliding it on the desk. The goal was to get any part of the football hanging over the edge of the desk. That was a touchdown. If the paper football fell off the desk then the other player got to shoot his turn. If the football stopped short of the edge then the opponent took his shot for where the football stopped.
We would either play to a set score or play timed games. Study hall was an hour long and we used every minute to play this game.
So as I was trying to think of another game to code, Paper football came to mind.
The link below is the game I made. It works decent but there are still some tweaks to do. You play against the computer which has multiple skill levels to choose from. The game lasts five minutes and there is a 7-second shot clock.
To flick the football you use the mouse. Click on the ball and hold down the button and drag the mouse in the direction of the shot. A red line will follow the pointer. The longer the line the more powerful the shot. somewhere around half an inch will give you a full table shot.
Paper Football Game Link

Heart Box Pattern
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