Here is how I work through email. The comments are easy because I can read them and they don't usually require a reply. They give me ideas and tell me what you think of what I'm doing. The comments that suggest improvements are great.
Questions are tougher because replying to email can be very time consuming. Some questions can require several paragraphs to answer intelligently. A common type of question that get's very tough are the ones where the scroll saw has a problem and they want advice on a repair. I try to answer as many of these as possible but I don't get many of them answered. These are best posted in the Community forum. There are hundreds of scrollers in there who can often be even more helpful than me. It's worth your time to sign up for the Community Forum.
Request for patterns are the hardest and I can only work on a very small number of these emails. If you request a pattern that is something that would be fun for others then I can often do that and use it in a post. That works out pretty good. When you request a pattern that is personal it is very difficult for me to help. I'm pretty fast making patterns but they still can take a couple hours or more. Unfortunately I have to overlook most of this type of email. When I do a personal pattern request I don't charge any money. I just do them for a donation of your choice. I enjoy doing them but I have to keep the blog updated before I take on these projects. If you send a pattern request email please understand that they go to the bottom of the list even if you offer to pay me. Again there are people in the Community Forum that can be helpful with patterns. Please don't ask for patterns that you see on another commercial site. I won't try to duplicate another designers pattern. I can't do patterns with trade marked or copyrighted material. I get a request for the Harley Davidson Logo pattern probably once a month. I just can't do it.
I always feel guilty about email. I want to answer all of them but I just simply run out of time. Thanks for understanding and your patience.